Vitamin D: she dies of an overdose

“The vitamin D plays an essential role in the quality of bone tissue et muscular as well as in strengthening our immune system. However, the majority of French people do not consume enough”, notes ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety).

Essential for bone health also for strengthen the immune system, vitamin D tends to be lacking in us during the winter. And for good reason, the soleil remains the best way to refuel. This is why during the winter season, many of you fall back on the vitamin D supplements.

Before embarking on a cure, however, you must be aware of the risks. Vitamin D supplements or vitamin D derivatives can easily cause poisoning in the event of a dosing error. A Belgian has just paid the price. “An elderly person is recently deceased in Belgium from a vitamin D overdose, reports the Belgian press. The Belgian Federal Medicines Agency (FAMHP) warns and recalls the risks.

The patient reportedly took vitamin D for two months

The Belgian patient would have taken vitamin D capsules for two months, whereas only one monthly administration was prescribed to him. This is an overdose confirmed by a post-mortem blood test. The patient had no history medical. The Belgian press mentions an “advanced age”.

Following this tragedy, the FAMHP recalls the importance of consult your doctor and of read the instructions carefully before taking any dietary supplements. “Specialties highly concentrated in vitamin D or vitamin D derivatives can easily cause poisoning in the event of a dosage error”, especially in the elderly, warns the drug agency.

If you have vitamin D supplements, keep them out of the reach of children.

Vitamin D: when it can be harmful

It is also necessary to pay attention to the calcium levels and kidney function of the patient during treatment with vitamin D. “This monitoring is particularly important during concomitant treatment with cardiac glycosides or diuretics“, continues the Agency.

We’re talking regardinghypercalcemia in the event of vitamin D poisoning. The persons concerned must imperatively stop their vitamin D treatment. symptoms hypercalcemia include anorexia, constipation, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, depression, headaches, digestive cramps, kidney problems and cardiovascular disorders.

“Vitamin D is involved in absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines, as well as in their reabsorption by the kidneys, under the influence of a hormone, PTH. Its effects are counterbalanced by another hormone, calcitonin. Vitamin D is involved in bone mineralization of the skeleton and joints, as well as muscle tone. If too much vitamin D is ingested, this leads to hypercalcemia which, itself, leads to hypomagnesemia or hyperphosphatemia and can therefore cause kidney and heart problems”, adds the Belgian poison control center.

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