What is the cost of extracting a wisdom tooth?

The extraction of a wisdom tooth can occur at any age and for several reasons. Focus on the price of this operation.

Your dentist has told you that you need to extract one or more wisdom teeth.

What are wisdom teeth? Why do they need to be extracted? What does the operation consist of? How much does this type of intervention cost? Find out the cost of extracting a wisdom tooth.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are also called third molars. These are the teeth are located at the bottom of the jawjust following the last molars.

In the past, these teeth were essential for chewing certain foods. But little by little, Man evolved and the third molars are no longer essential.

We only need:

  • incisors for cutting;
  • canines for shredding;
  • premolars for grinding;
  • molars to grind also but even stronger.

Thus, these 4 types of teeth are enough to eat any type of food.

Why have your wisdom teeth extracted?

X-ray showing wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are often thought to be removed for sure. However, it is not the case. If your third molars are growing properly and painlessly, you don’t need to have them extracted.

Moreover, in some people, these teeth never grow. Or, it only comes out one, 2 or 3. So why have your wisdom teeth extracted?

A lack of space

Sometimes the jaw is too small to accommodate the wisdom teeth. If you leave them, you risk seeing all your other teeth move. They may overlap.

It is therefore preferable to extract them so as not to have all the deformed teeth.

A misplaced wisdom tooth

It may happen that the tooth grows badly. She may be :

  • Included in the bone: it does not come out or only partially and causes severe pain. Even if it does not come out, it can also cause discomfort in other teeth.
  • Landlocked: it comes to push the second molar. Again, this can be painful and problematic for the entire dentition.
  • Horizontally: by pushing, she damages the root of her neighboring tooth.

In these 3 cases, it is preferable to extract the wisdom teeth. Otherwise, you risk more serious complications.


Third molars are often poorly washed. Indeed, it is difficult to reach with toothbrush. They are therefore not well cleaned and end up causing repeated cavities. These can also be amplified by a high consumption of sugar or by vaping. To avoid recurrences, the dentist generally suggests removing them.


Growing wisdom teeth can be a real torture. Inflammation can cause serious infections such as pericoronitis. To avoid gum infection and the risk of more serious problems, it is therefore best to extract the wisdom tooth or teeth.

What does the extraction of a wisdom tooth involve?

Wisdom tooth extraction operation

If you are in pain or have any doubts, do not hesitate to have a check-up. The dentist performs an X-ray to better see your teeth. If he finds a problem with the third molars, he suggests an extraction.


She may be performed by a dental surgeon, an orthodontist, a maxillofacial surgeon or even a stomatologist.

It is an operation that can be performed directly to the dental office. Otherwise, it is done in hospital or outpatient clinic. Unless there is a more serious case, local anesthesia is sufficient to operate on you.

The surgeon’s technique is determined before the operation. After an X-ray of the jaw, he studies the images to adopt the best possible intervention.

Regarding the extraction, the surgeon makes an incision in the gum. If the tooth is embedded in the bone, it will have to be hollowed out to access it. In some cases, it is even necessary to cut the tooth in 2 to be able to extract it. After extraction, the wound is cleaned and disinfected before being closed with absorbable sutures.

The followingmath of the operation

After surgery:

  • you are still bleeding a little, it is recommended to keep your compresses for another 1 to 2 hours
  • do not eat, drink or smoke while bleeding is present
  • consume liquid and soft foods for regarding 2 weeks
  • the absorbable threads fall out on their own following 3 weeks
  • the risk of infection is low but do not hesitate to consult in case of doubt
  • put ice if your cheeks swell and/or turn blue
  • physical activity should be avoided during the following days
  • if you practice a contact sport, several weeks off are recommended
  • you can return to work 3 days following the operation

The operation itself is not painful. However, once the anesthesia wears off, pain may occur. Analgesics are usually very effective.

How much does a wisdom tooth extraction cost?

If the prices are fixed, be aware that fees may vary from one dentist to another. In addition, the prices of the consultation and the x-ray also vary according to the type of doctor you see.


The basic rates for teeth included are:

  • 83,60 euros for a first extracted tooth;
  • 41,80 euros per additional tooth;
  • either 209 euros for 4 teeth.

If the tooth is already out, the price is 33.44 euros.


Social security pays 70% of the extraction. For the rest, it all depends on the mutual insurance company you have subscribed to. Some will take care of the remaining 30%, others will only take part of it.

Check with your organization in order to best quantify the price of your operation. Beware, however, of other costs: preoperative consultation, X-ray and postoperative consultation.

Cost of extracting a wisdom tooth: what to remember

The cost of extracting a wisdom tooth can seem high. However, it is an operation that is supported at 70% by social security. In addition, your mutual insurance company can also compensate for the remaining charge.

Do not hesitate to ask your organization before having the operation.



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