Since 2015, the collective of Yaga bloggers has been lending its various platforms to Burundians from all corners, of all tendencies, of all genders, without distinction of any kind. All have a passion: Storytelling! Telling regarding their experiences, their fortunes and misfortunes, their country…
Yaga, dearest,
Allow me to wish you a vibrant birthday. Even though it’s from a distance, my happiest thoughts are with you. Aaah!! 8 years old, so small and yet so big and so free… Corneille translated it better: “…to well-born souls, value does not wait for the number of years”
Such a great course under this beautiful sky! I often read your writings, sometimes writing with a playful mood, sometimes haranguing the reader, and all with ardor and passion. Did you know that destinies are born from your pen?
Me ! I don’t know if you noticed, dear friend, in life, no one is unanimous. Your restless reflection, devours the guilty soul like once the vulture of Prometheus, while raising the conscience had it not been for the madness of grandeur of the sons of the land of milk and honey. O poor mortals, forgive them their animosity, they are sick people who ignore each other. But I can assure you that despite all the faults that our bad faith attributes to you, you are the most beautiful thing that has happened to us.
Thank you for your crushes, your balms on our bruised lives, thank you once more for these discussions provoked, these friends met, thank you for your freedom, our freedom.
Yaga, Grow and improve! Here are some ideas: what if we dissect together the chronicles of Mamane? A chronicle of popular science? Tips for saving? Our young people have opinions on everything and nothing and there are very full heads!
Popularize, explain financial education to our young people, talk regarding mental health, how to feel better regarding yourself in our society where appearance is more important than being. Talk regarding all those angry subjects that no one wants to go into in depth (exile, good manners, etc.). To brighten up, give us the cooking secrets of these tender/tasty dishes that make our hearts beat… you will make people happy, believe me
With that, celebration with those who love you! I wish you the Yaga Life!
See you soon.
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