[Live better than you]Ex-husband’s cheating single mother soared 38 pounds after giving birth, determined to lose weight and lose 42 pounds of fat and become a woman- Hong Kong Economic Daily- TOPick – Health – Health and Beauty

The ex-husband’s cheating single mother gained 38 pounds following giving birth, and she is determined to lose weight and lose 42 pounds of fat to become a daughter.

The best revenge for your ex must be to live a better life than the other party! A young mother in Taiwan gained a lot of weight due to her pregnancy a few years ago. At her peak, she reached 63 kg. Even following the baby was born, her weight only dropped slightly. The house leak happens to be Lian Yeyu, just when she lost confidence in her appearance, she found out that her husband at the time was having an affair behind her back, and the two eventually divorced. However, through healthy diet and exercise, she managed to lose weight in 2 years, and now weighs only 44 kg. Not only is she more confident, but she is also in high spirits.

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This single mother shared her weight loss experience on Dcard earlier. Because she was too indulgent during her pregnancy a few years ago, she “might not sit or go to work following eating three meals”, which made her 154cm tall, and her weight soared from the original 46kg all the way. 63 kg. Even following giving birth, the pounds only dropped by 3 kilograms; following breastfeeding for more than a year, her weight remained stagnant at around 53 kilograms. She also pointed out that at that time, her internal and external condition was very poor, her whole body was swollen, her fat was very uneven, her skin was very poor, and her stomach was full of stretch marks. At this time, she found out that the person next to her pillow was having an affair, which broke her down.

I was in a bad mood and mightn’t eat or sleep for nearly half a month. At this moment, I found that my weight had dropped following a long time. This is a very unhealthy situation, but it also made me realize that “it turns out that eating less will really make you lose weight.”

The two parties eventually divorced. The female victim pointed out that because she accompanied her mother to the yoga class, she was often told by people around her that her body looked better following a short time of practice, so she began to lose weight formally.

weight loss method

In terms of diet, she pointed out that she eats less at the beginning, probably an egg for breakfast with black coffee, a small amount of vegetables and meat for lunch and no staple food, and a glass of milk or vegetable juice for dinner, so that the weight will be lost quickly, but there will be sequelae of hair loss. So I changed to the “168 fasting method” later, eat breakfast and lunch normally, and drink a cup of nut drink made by myself in the followingnoon. In addition, you must not eat snacks, and desserts are eaten once every two weeks at most.

In terms of exercise, except for yoga once a week, she basically does not exercise. She used to follow some YouTube videos to practice, but the effect was not great. In order to reduce body fat, she began to retrain 3 to 5 times a week, hoping to reduce body fat to 20%.

Through diet and exercise, she began to lose weight gradually. From 46 kg in the middle of weight loss last year to 44 kg in February this year, although she did not lose much weight, her body fat percentage dropped silently from nearly 30% last year to the top Monthly 24.5%.

She pointed out that following losing weight, she is more confident and looks younger. When buying clothes, you don’t have to keep looking for styles or styles, because you look good no matter what you wear.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin



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