Unilever celebrates World Happiness Day with a decalogue to improve personal well-being


Unilever celebrates World Happiness Day with a decalogue to promote emotional well-being and with the implementation of different activities with which it wants to contribute to spreading a positive culture among its employees, collaborators and society in general.

In its commitment to improve the well-being of people, the company promotes this important date that was born in 2012 at the request of the UN with the aim of recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal aspirations of human beings, “a fact which today is even more necessary than ever in a social and economic context, sometimes adverse and unfavorable”, according to the firm.

Unilever understands that the workspace is a very important facet in people’s lives that complements personal development, which allows them to fully fulfill themselves and achieve happiness.

According to various scientific investigations, a total of 17 muscles are activated when smiling, while this figure increases to 43 if an angry face is shown.

World Happiness Day is a perfect occasion to remember the need to smile more and create positive environments that improve the quality of life of the people who surround us in the personal sphere, but also in the workplace in which we spend a large part of our time”, highlighted the director of sustainability of Unilever and promoter of this initiative, Ana Palencia.

In addition, the day has served to recall other studies that confirm that happiness promotes longevity and makes it easier to overcome diseases. Also, the need to promote happiness from oneself as a method to receive it has been remembered and that the chances of being happy increase if people share joy and turn it into a reciprocal act.

According to studies, happy people are 31% more productive in their day to day and up to three times more creative than others.

The company promotes the culture of happiness to promote positive personal relationships, the development of creativity and the balance between personal and professional life.

In its decalogue of happiness, Unilever also values ​​the role of ‘vitamin’ people and the importance of surrounding yourself with them. Another of the aspects that the company emphasizes on World Happiness Day is people’s health, to which is added enjoyment and moments of rest also have a place in the recommendations that Unilever shares on a date that claims the well-being of the people.



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