Watching “19 Eye Conditions” at once represents the meaning!The redness of the whites of the eyes is the infection of the bags under the eyes, and there is obviously a fear of 1 function problems

Sentence/Juneharu Monthly

In addition to showing the circulation of blood and blood vessels, the color and abnormality of the eyes can also reflect the quality of the internal organs. Therefore, learning the self-health check of the eyes can be the first check for your body.

Abnormal eye color reflects internal disease

Chen Wangquan, a professor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the health of the body can be observed from the eyes, including the color of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the eyes, pupils, black eyeballs, and whites of the eyes. When abnormal colors appear in different parts, it may be a reflection of internal organ diseases .

Conditions indicated by eye color

1. The whites of the eyes turn yellowish: Abnormal liver function

When the sclera of the whites of the eyes turns pale yellow, it means that the liver function has begun to deteriorate, which may be hepatitis, acute hepatitis or liver cirrhosis.

2. Whites of the eyes are yellow: acute jaundice

The whites of the eyes appear dark yellow, indicating jaundice disease, and may have acute jaundice, biliary obstruction and other problems.

3. The whites of the eyes are red: virus infection

If there is a feeling of heat and easy tears, it is mostly caused by infection by evil spirits, such as influenza virus.

4. White eyelids: caused by anemia

The color of the eyelids is white or pale, which is related to anemia and insufficient blood supply.

5. Reddish eyelids: acute inflammation of the body

The eyelids are very red, which may be caused by acute inflammation caused by a fever in the body.

6. Eyes are cloudy and congested: abnormal heart function

It may be that the blood in the heart changes, the eyes are easily clouded and congested, it may be high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and other problems.

7. Bloodshot eyes: Inflammation in the body

It means severe inflammation, which may be caused by eyeball inflammation. If mixed with other diseases, such as chronic high blood pressure, kidney failure or acute hepatitis, the eyeball may also be covered with bloodshot eyes.

8. Red eyes: inflammation, anger, chickenpox

The whites of the eyes appear reddish, and the blood vessels on the surface are congested. Most of them are caused by untreated eye problems, or often work outside without proper protection. If the eyelids are a little red, it means spleen and stomach problems. Internal inflammation, mouth sores; if the area near the end of the eyes is very red, be careful, the child may have chickenpox.

9. Cyan at the end of the eyes: liver disease

If the inner and outer canthus look a little blue near the end of the eye, it may be liver disease.

10. White at the end of the eye or black eyeball: anemia

The inner and outer canthus near the end of the eye look very white, which is mostly related to anemia and insufficient hemoglobin; the dark eyeball part of the eye has some white signs, indicating that moisture has invaded the bone, which may be rheumatoid arthritis.

11. The white part of the eyes is light red: Abnormal liver and kidney function

The whites of the eyes are light red, sometimes congested and slightly painful, indicating abnormal liver and kidney function.

12. The whites of the eyes gradually turn yellow: gastrointestinal dysfunction

It represents the phenomenon of dampness and heat, which may be a disorder of the gastrointestinal function, which is mostly related to the abnormality of the digestive system of the spleen.

13. Bright red blood spots on the white of the eyes: vascular disease

There is a bright red blood spot on the white of the eye, which represents fundus hemorrhage, which is related to the vascular disease itself. In addition, the whites of the eyes are obviously congested, which means that the body is hot and the inflammatory index rises, which may appear following catching a cold or drinking alcohol, and women with endometriosis may also experience abnormalities here.

Eye bags, eye sockets, and pupil abnormalities can be seen

14. Dull eyelids: caused by deficiency of kidney qi

The upper and lower eyelids and bags under the eyes are dull and sunken, which may be related to kidney qi deficiency.

15. Eyelids are too bright: there is a problem with the respiratory tract

The upper and lower eyelids are too bright, and there may be respiratory diseases.

16. Black eye congestion: caused by cough and hot phlegm

The dark part of the eye looks congested, and there will be cough and hot phlegm.

17. Obvious bags under the eyes: kidney function problems

Obvious bags under the eyes may indicate beriberi, poor kidney function, and poor metabolism; people with protruding eyeballs are more prone to panting.

18. Sunken eye sockets: poor viscera

Sunken eye sockets indicate poor visceral energy, possibly liver, kidney or gastrointestinal diseases. If the eye sockets are sunken deeply, it means that the energy is very insufficient, and may even be life-threatening.

19. Pupil flickering: renal failure

The eyelids of healthy people will be light red, the whites of the eyes should be white, the dark parts of the eyes should be black, and the pupils should be normal; the pupils belong to the kidneys, and if there is chronic renal failure, the pupils tend to flicker when the eyeballs move.

Adjust life routine and seek Chinese medicine treatment if necessary

Before deciding how to improve, it is necessary to determine the reflections of different visceral diseases in the eyes and what abnormal colors may appear, so that further improvement can be made according to different problems, such as arterial bleeding, heart blood circulation problems, must be done from life Adjustment, avoid burning, grilling, fried, spicy and other dry food, relieve stress, rest more, follow the advice of Chinese medicine practitioners to master the principles of improvement, and avoid some taboos.

The article is authorized to be reproduced from “Changchun Monthly”Watching “19 Eye Conditions” at once represents the meaning!The redness of the whites of the eyes is the infection of the bags under the eyes, obviously fearing that there may be a problem with the function

Further reading:
·Nails appear “5 major changes = body warning signs”! 1 picture to understand the abnormal shape and black stripes may be a sign of cancer
·“These 3 colors” of urine are dangerous!Experts reveal that “urine color” represents health status: don’t drink water if the urine is transparent

further reading
pull! The 1-year-old boy accidentally took the hypoglycemic drug at home and “became a vegetative state”
A 60-year-old woman was sprayed with foreign matter in her eyes and sought acupuncture treatment!A piece of black in front of the eyes causes permanent damage
The eyes are so dry and uncomfortable!TCM doctor teaches “4 methods” to make eyes more moist



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