An infinite air conditioning system that does not use electricity could be possible thanks to this material

Eliminating the energy dependence of air conditioners would be an unprecedented technological leap.

Image of the material known as aerogel and that might solve the energy expenditure caused by air conditioners. [Wikimedia]

The human being advances thanks to questioning everything that surrounds him. The arrival of high temperatures and work in some sectors, make the refrigeration systems be more necessary never. We have already talked to you regarding how to program the air conditioning to save energy or the best way in which you can take care of the car’s air conditioning. Now a material which is already used by organizations like the NASA It comes to destroy our beliefs regarding air conditioning systems.

The solution for energy saving in air conditioning can go through aerogels

On this occasion, we are before a type of materialaccording to definition of Wikipediaof very low densitycon a lot of porosity and what is a great thermal insulatorwhich is the key to avoiding the massive use of electricity when the heat is on. Matt Ferrell is a content creator, of the video that we show you below these lines, dedicated to the scientific and technological dissemination and, in this case, it shows us the future of this material applied to our homes.

On this occasion, Matt has echoed a information published on the MIT websitewhich shows how the aerogel can be the alternative logic to the air conditioners. Currently, 20% of the world’s electricity consumption comes from refrigeration systems and not only that, but CO2 emissions increase exponentially with the use of these devices. This is where the passive cooling system presented by MIT researchers.

With system ‘combines radiant cooling, evaporative cooling and thermal insulation into a product that looks similar to solar panels’. According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this system he is able to reduce the temperature interior of an environment in almost 10ºC. If there is a very humid environment, the food can be preserved up to a 40% more timealthough if the humidity conditions are better, this figure might be even triple.

He system combina three layers of different materials. First of all, we have the mentioned aerogel, which might be defined as air encapsulated in a sponge structure. Then we have a layer of hydrogelbut where the water would replace the air, and finally, a mirror coat would be able to reflect sunlight. Zhengmao Luone of the authors of the research, affirms what:

Airgel is the only material that is the product of a laboratory and that requires further development in terms of mass production. The combination of evaporative, radiant, and insulated cooling improves cooling and can be effective in a wide range of climates, more than either method alone. This work might attract significant practical applications, such as food preservation, if the system can be created at a reasonable cost.



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