La Segey promotes family participation for the physical health of Umán students

Umán, Yucatán, March 19, 2023.- With the aim of promoting the health of students with the active participation of mothers, fathers and guardians, a physical activation day took place at the Regional Center for the Development of Sports in Umán, as part of the actions of the “Segey in your Community” strategy.

More than a thousand people gathered in the multifunctional gym, including girls and boys, teachers and school authorities from seven Preschool schools. The groups of the educational centers “Bernal Díaz del Castillo”, “Luis Rosado Vega”, “Niños Héroes”, “Amado Nervo”, “Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra”, “Fernando Montes de Oca” and “Narciso Mendoza” participated.

On behalf of the head of the Segey, Liborio Vidal Aguilar, the general coordinator of Strategic Programs, Lida Espejo Peniche, presided over the event; the mayor of the host municipality, Gaspar Ventura Cisneros, accompanied by the general director of Basic Education, Linda Basto Ávila and the director of Initial and Preschool Education, Patricia López Castillo.

“Thanks to the mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in short, the family that took the time to share a pleasant moment with our girls, in which together we can enjoy and experience sports to take care of our health,” he said in your message Mirror Peniche.

For his part, the mayor of Umán, Gaspar Ventura, said that the success of this and other joint actions with Segey are due to the excellent relationship and teamwork between municipal and state authorities for the common good: children and youth. umanense.

During the event, mothers, fathers and guardians did the exercises directed by the Physical Education Coordination, headed by Luis Fernando Che Dzib.

Within the framework of this event, the “Distinguished Yucateco” medals and recognitions were delivered to the teachers María Elena Sánchez Mendoza, Elsy Cabrera Alpuche and the athlete Mauricio Canul Facundo.

The “Segey in your Community” strategy, promoted by the head of the institution, Liborio Vidal Aguilar, brings the services, programs and actions in general of this unit closer to school groups in urban and rural environments.




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