he asks Boric for support so as not to break


The debt amounts to more than 500 billion Chilean pesos.


The health insurers that protect hundreds of Chileans through the private regime continue to generate millions in losses. So many that, if these funds are not stopped or intervened with the approval of the Government, they would end up in bankruptcy, the collapse of medical care for the insured, as well as negative effects on the country’s economy.

According to the economic environment Bloomberg, around 3.1 million Chileans, that is, close to 16% of the total affiliates, are those who are at riskif a way out is not found to recover the Isapres, which might generate an overflow in the health system, even greater than what it would already be suffering.

Since 2020, every year insurers have had to repay millions by order of the Supreme Court, what their economy has collected and has made them, in parallel, increase their debt every year and set aside other financial obligations.

“As every year, in the month of January, the Isapres must return, in cash, the surpluses that the affiliated persons accumulated in their individual accounts as a result of the difference that originates when the mandatory legal contribution of 7% is higher than the value of the health contract”, explained this January the Superintendent of Health, Víctor Torres, referring to the fact.

Another event that increased the debt for the Isapres was the suspension of payment of health plans for children under two years of age since the Supreme Court ruling, reason why these private companies would be taking care of these little ones without other entrances of money.

Given this scenario, the national government has been asked to support payment agreements that allow the economic recovery of the private sector, while maintaining health care for the insured and meeting long-term monetary commitments.

What we ask is that this bill also include the issue of providers, because the only way that this crisis does not reach patients, which is what everyone wants to avoid, is that this risk of operational continuity, given the non-payment of debts, and this liquidity crisis, is included as an element in the legislative discussion,” Grebe said for the outlet.

For his part, the former health minister Jaime Mañalich said in an interview for the local media Country Channel that Santiago was in the midst of a debt crisis that, although it has its epicenter in the private system, is still a complication that has repercussions on the health of the public system, for which reason the latter has already begun to receive insured persons who previously belonged to private businesses.

”We are in a major crisis: debts, contingencies, a demand for health services —which translates into waiting lists in the public sector—, insecurity regarding financing in the private sector. In this context, there are two aspects: the first, the one that was discussed today in the Health Commission of the Chilean Senate (…) What do we do with Fonasa? Fonasa is already receiving more and more people who were insured in the private sector,” said Mañalich, referring to the National Health Fund (Fonasa).

However, the situation for insurers has been overshadowed by the lack of support from the Chilean Congress for Boric’s policies, in addition to the Supreme Court ruling in November of the previous year, with which the negotiation presented for save the private regime. For the above, It is expected that an agreement endorsed by the legislative government will be reached in future occasions.

Congress reported on March 14 that, from the Health Commission, it has been proposed to continue negotiations with the Isapres to deliver a bill that can support the private regime in its recovery. “While the insurers raised their positions on ‘that the ruling would not force them to return surpluses’, former health authorities and parliamentarians called to ‘comply with the entire ruling’ issued by the court,” explained the legislative body.

*With information from AFP.

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