Month of Ramadan: how to prepare? Who should fast? The imam of the Bambéto mosque (Conakry) tells Guineematin everything

The Muslim faithful are moving towards the month of Ramadan which might begin on March 22, 2023. A period of adoration and penance. This subject polarized the sermon on Friday, March 17 at the mosque of Bambéto, in the commune of Ratoma. The Grand Imam, Elhadj Mamadou Saidou Diallo, recalled what is recommended by Islam in the preparations for this holy month for the Muslim community. This is the observation made on the spot by through one of its reporters.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Imam Elhadj Mamadou Saidou Diallo of the great mosque of Bambéto, questioned on this current topic, gave details on what must be the prerequisite. “The day of the appearance of the month of Ramadan, following having seen the moon, the faithful Muslim who wants to fast must have in him a good intention to fast all month, if of course he has the possibility. But, it is the intention to fast that is more important before the action since God says whatever the action is worth the intention. Somewhere, it is said that this intention taken on the evening of the appearance of the moon to fast for the whole month is sufficient for the whole month. There is no need to formulate another intention. If the fasting person had something that caused him to break the fast, then it is necessary to reformulate the intention to fast for the whole month. Note that the intention formulated on the evening of the appearance of the moon for the whole month is more than enough. But if one has not done it that day, one should make the intention to fast the day before the day one is to observe the fast. When one takes the intention the day before the first to fast all month, then to do it every day following is not obligatory. So it’s the right intention that counts first and then doing the job right following that. He decides between himself and God that he will fast for the whole month because during the previous 11 months there have been many people who have died and he, the month of Ramadan finds him safe and sound, but he does not know if he will finish the fast or else the month of Ramadan of the coming year will find him alive and healthy, ”suggested Elhadj Mamadou Saidou Diallo.

Elhadj Mamadou Saïdou Diallo, imam of the mosque of Bambéto Conakry, spokesperson for the guests

The month of Ramadan is a time when Muslims seek to purify themselves and come closer to God. The month of Ramadan is a period during which fasting faithful deprive themselves of food, recite or read the Koran and make obligatory and supererogatory prayers and also refrain from violence and lies. But to the question of who should fast the month of Ramadan, Elhadj Mamadou Saidou Diallo answers: “Fasting the month of Ramadan is an obligation for the faithful Muslim, but the person authorized to fast is the one who is healthy in body and mind. ‘mind. Whoever has a disease for which he is forbidden by a sworn doctor to fast, must refrain from fasting until he recovers his health to finally repay. But, it will have to be on the certificate of a doctor known to all for his accuracy, his honesty, even if this doctor is not Muslim. Now, while waiting for him to be cured, he can take from his food the equivalent of what he eats per day, multiply this quantity by the number of days during which he did not fast and give this to the poor people “.

Mamadou Laafa Sow for



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