How long does it take to evacuate a Lego?

The ingestion of toy parts is usually of great concern to parents of young children. Scientists at the University of Melbourne, in Australia, decided to study how long it takes for items like this to be naturally eliminated by the body, along with the feces.

In 2018, six healthcare professionals volunteered to solve the riddle. The findings of the discovery were published in the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health.

“Parental concerns regarding ingestion apply to a variety of materials. In this study, we sought to determine typical transit times for another object commonly swallowed by a child – a Lego figurine head.

To participate in the experiment, the volunteers might not have undergone intestinal surgeries before, they had to be able to ingest foreign objects and they should not have nausea when looking for the material in the feces.

After swallowing the toy, the participants had to look for the piece in their own feces every day. The time interval until finding it was called FART in the study.

stool analysis

The study found that the Lego head took a day and a half to leave the scientists’ body, with variations between one and three days.

The researchers believe that, because children are smaller than adults, the transit of the piece through their digestive system is even faster. However, there is no information to support the claim.

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