Books Make Us Free, the reading tour that will take place in rural areas of Guatemala

With the completion of promote reading In different corners of the country, the social initiative called «Books set us free» who is currently looking to raise funds to continue visiting villages and hamlets in Guatemala. Find out how you can help them!

Visually impaired photo description: Person holding a book with a colorful mural in the background. (Credits: International Children’s and Youth Reading Fair of Central America)

Reading Tour Books Set Us Free

With the motto “Books make us free”, this year the 2023 reading tour has begun. It is a project in which different municipalities, villages and hamlets are visited in order to give away books and also give talks for raise awareness regarding the importance of reading in Guatemala.

Currently, they are looking to raise funds so that the tour can be carried out this year through the sale of books from Q 100.00 or also deposits with donations. If you want to communicate with the foundation you can enter its official Facebook page, website or also send an email to:

Books Make Us Free, the reading tour that will take place in rural areas of Guatemala
Description of the photo for the visually impaired: Girl holding a book with blank sheets. (Credits: International Children’s and Youth Reading Fair of Central America)

Old tours readings made in Guatemala

From February 28 to March 4, 2022, the reading tour covered 1,200 kilometers, in extra-urban buses, tuc tucs and sections on foot, carrying dozens of books and play material in bags, to donate to the Canaan Library, in Chisec, Alta Verapaz.

Books Make Us Free, the reading tour that will take place in rural areas of Guatemala
Description of the photo for the visually impaired: Girl holding a book with blank sheets. (Credits: International Children’s and Youth Reading Fair of Central America)

In addition, they provided workshops to Chisec students where they sought to promote reading. That pride!

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