The kilos tumble so quickly

  1. 24vita
  2. Health


Von: Anna Catherine Kusters

Grapefruits provide us with vitamins in the dreary winter time. And at the same time help to lose a few kilos.

Local fruit is still rare in winter and spring. It is all the more practical that we can also use fruits from other countries in the supermarket to improve our vitamin balance. The grapefruit is a good example of the power that exotic fruits can have. It is full of valuable nutrients and even helps with weight loss.

Lose weight with grapefruit: boost digestion with pectin

There are many important nutrients in a grapefruit. © Imaginechina-Tuchong/Imago

The grapefruit probably originally comes from the island of Barbados, where it was discovered in the 18th century. In the meantime, the USA, along with South Africa and Mexico, are the main producers of the yellow-pink fruit. Especially in the winter months, the grapefruit is a secret weapon when it comes to nutrient supply. Among other things, it contains:

  • Lycopene: The dye gives the fruit its bright appearance and is said to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.
  • Vitamin C: Just three of the fruits a day cover the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult.
  • B vitamins: Along with other nutrients, they are responsible for a more active metabolism, so they also play a crucial role in weight loss.
  • Pectin: The indigestible fiber is responsible for a longer feeling of satiety and thus also helps with weight loss. It swells up in the gastrointestinal tract and thus curbs the appetite. It also has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels and prevents ravenous appetite attacks.
  • Minerals such as potassium: Potassium supports the body in dehydration, through which it rids itself of toxins. In addition, water is more often deposited in the connective tissue, from which the body says goodbye through this mechanism.

However, it is important to know that anyone taking medication should first check with their doctor whether they are allowed to eat grapefruit. In addition to the bitter taste of the fruit, the plant substance naringin ensures that medication can have a stronger or weaker effect.

Lose weight with grapefruits: snack on the fruit every day

Grapefruit should be on the menu every day to help you lose weight. Conveniently, the grapefruit can be prepared accordingly for every meal. At breakfast, it’s a good idea to squeeze the fruit and sip its juice for a refreshing morning drink. At lunch, for example, a healthy salad can be spiced up with the fruit and at dinner grapefruit tastes wonderful with fish, meat or shrimp.

Anyone who manages to combine daily grapefruit enjoyment with exercise and a generally healthy diet has a good chance of losing unnecessary kilos with the help of the fruit. The amount will of course vary from person to person because everyone’s metabolism is different. In any case, grapefruit is a fruit that makes it easier to lose weight.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions regarding clinical pictures.



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