The number of deaths rises and in Peru they also report the death of a girl


The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, made a “call for calm.”


An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 that It shook southern Ecuador and reached its neighbor Peru, leaving at least 14 dead, several injured and damage to buildings, according to an official balance.

The tremor was recorded at 12:12 local time (17:12 GMT). and had its epicenter in the Ecuadorian municipality of Balao, about 140 km from the port of Guayaquil, and at a depth of 44 km.authorities reported.

Meanwhile, official sources in Peru reported the death of a 4-year-old girl in the northern region of Tumbes, after the strong tremor in Ecuador.

“The death of a 4-year-old minor is confirmed, who was transferred to the Regional Hospital of Tumbes, after being injured as a result of a fall from a roof of her home”, reported the National Emergency Center (Coen) via Twitter.

According to Coen, the preliminary information they have is that in Tumbes there are punctually 46 people affected and 14 homeless, in addition to 12 affected homes, 4 disabled and 2 affected health centers.

Taking into account this panorama in that Peruvian region, up to there arrived Alberto Otárola, president of the Council of Ministers

“We have come to Tumbes to meet with the governor and make ourselves available to him, to see what are the damages and consequences”, said the prime minister, who regretted “very much what happened”.

In the south of the country it was felt strongly and people took to the streets in panic, while some walls collapsed in cities like Cuenca, one of the most affected.

I went out into the street because I saw people starting to run terrified, getting out of cars”, told AFP Magaly Escandón, a seller of sewing items in that city in the Andean zone.

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the event had a magnitude of 6.8.

The President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, made a “call for calm and information through official channels” in a Twitter message.

Collapsed buildings, cracked walls, vehicles crushed by debris. In the historic center of Cuenca there was damage to some old housesrecorded AFP journalists.

“It is a relatively high magnitude for what is available in the country. In the area of ​​the Gulf of Guayaquil we have been having more or less since 2017 thereafter about two earthquakes with magnitude greater than 5.0 per year”, said Mario Ruiz, director of the Ecuadorian Geophysical Institute in an interview with the radio fm world.

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According to the Ecuadorian Risk Management Secretariat, In Cuenca the facade of a house collapsed on a vehicle and left “a deceased person”. Nearby, in the province of El Oro, three deaths were recorded from the fall of a tower.

The seismic wave was also felt on the north and central coast of Peru, albeit with less intensity.

A first aftershock of magnitude 4.8 was recorded in Balao, Ecuador.

The Oceanographic and Antarctic Institute of the Ecuadorian Navy assured that the tremor “does not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami” in the Pacific.

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