Tutorials used to share viruses on YouTube

Artificial intelligences capable of reproducing voices and faces are used to make believe that these are real tutorials. Additionally, hackers hijack known YouTube channels to build trust.

YouTube tutorials are very popular and help many struggling people. For example, if you have a problem with Word, it’s a safe bet that a tutorial on YouTube will help you solve this problem.

However, the site Cloudsek alert on the proliferation of fake tutorials that aim to spread malware. These tutorials are entirely generated by artificial intelligence capable of synthesizing voices and reproducing human faces. The process is simple: a digitally generated “person” will assure you that it is possible to obtain paid software such as Photoshop or Premiere Pro for free. To do this, just follow the instructions of the so-called tutorial which will take you to a certain link. This link actually happens to be a file that contains malware such as RedLine, Raccoon or Vidar. Once the document is downloaded, the person will therefore not end up with Photoshop or Premiere Pro, but malware capable of collecting banking and personal information.

An example of a fake tutorial / Credits: Cloudsek

To achieve their ends, hackers hijack YouTube channels with a lot of subscribers. Thus, people who watch these fake tutorials feel confident. Additionally, fake positive reviews are posted in the comments section of the video. As Cloudsek points out, YouTube sometimes takes several hours to recover a hacked channel, which gives hackers enough time to set up their trap.

Note that these fake tutorials are made in different languages ​​and can be found on other platforms such as Twitter or Instagram.

To avoid falling into this type of scam, there is no miracle solution, just do not download this paid software presented as free.

The proliferation of fake tutorials on YouTube shows us once once more that hackers do not hesitate to mobilize artificial intelligence and new technologies to achieve their ends. Recently, malicious people have started to use artificial intelligence capable of reproducing voices to trap relatives of the victim.

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