While the trial of the Notebooks arrives and for health reasons, Ricardo Jaime was released

Last Wednesday, Federal Oral Court number 7 had ordered “the immediate release” of Richard James, former Secretary of Transportation of Kirchnerism. Finally, his release ended up taking place from the Mayor’s Office of the Superintendence of Federal Investigations of the Federal Police, this Saturday around 4:30 in the morning.

Sources close to the former official’s defense explained that This file, a detachment from the Cuadernos Cause, was the only cause that kept him in prison.

The ruling that determined the release of the former official convicted of the railway tragedy of Eleven was signed by the judges Enrique Mendez Signori and German Castelli, plus the partial dissent of Fernando Canero, who had been inclined to moderate the conditions of confinement by the modality of house arrest.
Two issues were fundamental for the decision: the expiration of the last extension of preventive detention ordered on September 15, 2022 and the worsening of the state of health of the former Secretary of Transportation.

Ricardo Jaime broke the silence from prison: “I am in prison for sabotage”

The majority vote held: “At this point, the reports stated are sufficiently illustrative, corroborating the existence of a delicate health picture on the part of Jaime that deserves the moderation of the precautionary measures ”.

“It is clear that, beyond the chronic pathologies suffered by the named, over time it has been presenting a situation of deteriorating health and general clinical condition”added the resolution, to which the agency agreed Argentine News. The court established as obligations “the defendant’s promise to submit to the procedure and not obstruct the investigation; the obligation to notify any change of address, as well as any circumstance by virtue of which he must be absent from it for more than 48 hours or more than 70 kilometers; the prohibition to leave the country without prior authorization; the delivery of the passport in his possession and placement of a GPS monitoring device –Assistance Program for Persons Under Electronic Surveillance-“adds the letter.

Ricardo Jaime has been in prison since 2016

health problems

The last medical report on Jaime’s health reported that he suffers from “skin carcinoma and the need to perform Mohs surgery”, recommended treatment for the skin cancer.

In addition, he presented “headache, stabbing pain and serohematic discharge, requiring gauze or compresses with hypoallergenic adhesive tape at the level of the ulcerated lesion in the temporal region (preauricular) and indicated pain relievers on demand.

Richard James

It follows from the ruling that Jaime will move to the province of Córdoba, where he is domiciled, “due to the need to strict control by their environment to guarantee the adequate follow-up that their pathology requires”.

That, at least, had contemplated the dissenting vote of Judge Canero, who despite opposing the release acknowledged that “it arises ostensibly accredited the worsening of Jaime’s state of healthand this necessarily imposes a new comprehensive assessment of the reasonableness and proportionality of the precautionary measure to which it finds itself subject.”

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