Dealing with the dynamics, I somehow forgot regarding its sharp steering wheel, and this is also significant. Although exotic, the steering wheel feels natural enough not to obsess over it. I didn’t need to calibrate my reflexes, and very quickly Changan’s habits felt transparent, like an official’s income statement. The steering wheel is really so sharp that most of the time you don’t even turn it, but only lightly press it. Around the zero point, it seems unnecessarily light, but it has pixel sensitivity and proportional responses, so you understand the logic of its work. I admit that someone will not like such settings, because if you sneeze while driving, the Uni-V will perform a moose rearrangement, and imposing drivers will not appreciate its choleric nature. But personally I was struck that the Changanites, having chosen an exotic concept, managed to bring it to a level where it does not spoil the car, but maintains its image.