Alexia Bertrand: “I hope to appear on a joint MR-Open VLD list in 2024”

The appointment of Alexia Bertrand as Secretary of State for the Budget came as a real surprise on November 18th. We knew Eva De Bleeker on borrowed time. But we did not imagine that the Open VLD would seek the leader of the MR in the Brussels Parliament to replace her. Alexia Bertrand, now labeled Open VLD, lifts a corner of the veil on her political ambitions.

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Behind the scenes, some see you at the top of the list in Flemish Brabant in 2024. Will this be the case?

No, I will present myself in Brussels, that I can assure you. I am still going on the assumption of a common federal list between the MR and the Open VLD. It would be a win for everyone and it goes in the direction of stronger ties between the two parties.

The MR has three federal deputies from Brussels. The Open VLD, none. Would you be granted one of the top three spots on this list?

We are not discussing seats. The principle of the common list must first be validated. I am a requester. We’ll see what the MR wants to do, but I hope we can be fixed soon enough.


“I hope we can work with fewer parties in the next government.”

Before leaving the MR for Les Engagés, the former Walloon Minister Jean-Luc Crucke had contacted you, a priori in the hope of convincing you to join a gathering of centrist forces. What did he tell you?

Jean-Luc Crucke and I were among those at MR who campaigned for more attention to be paid to climate transition. He had asked to see me. We saw each other in July 2022. He shared with me his thoughts on the political landscape. Then, in August, I announced in Free my candidacy for the Minister-Presidency for the Brussels Region. And I was very focused on it, until November 18 (and his appointment in the government, Ed). That said, I was surprised by the passage of Jean-Luc Crucke at Les Engagés. I did not expect that. It is a loss for the MR.

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The Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) s’est dit candidat à sa propre succession following the 2024 elections. The president of the PS, Paul Magnette, is also eyeing the position. Wouldn’t you be a Prime Minister candidate too, by any chance?

(Laughs). I sincerely hope that Alexander De Croo achieves a second mandate. I wonder if citizens realize how lucky we are to have a Prime Minister like ours. I read a lot regarding the rise of populism, regarding wise leaders and strong leaders. The way in which he manages to forge respectful compromises between the seven partners in government is something of enormous value. We can be proud of the stability he brings to our country in a difficult period. Since I arrived in the government, we have voted on the budget, we have had an interprofessional agreement, an agreement in principle with Engie (on nuclear power, Editor’s note), an agreement on asylum, a reform of excise duties on the energy… It is Alexander De Croo who carries all these files at arm’s length.

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However, his working method has been criticized.

For having known (as a “cabinettarde”, Editor’s note) the six-party Di Rupo government; the Michel government at four, then at three; and now seven, I can tell you that the decision-making process takes longer today. You have to take that into account. The Prime Minister sometimes has to push things.

Should there be fewer parties in the next executive?

It will be the voter’s choice. But I hope we can work with fewer parties because the more parties you have, the more complicated it is. And I hope for recognition of Alexander De Croo’s leadership.

Which parties would you do without?

(Laughter) Joker. There are sometimes tensions due to the demands of political families, but relations between ministers are good. We are currently working in a Vivaldi majority. We can work with everyone. What I’m asking for is the strongest majority.



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