The different aids for seniors

For the oldest people, it is sometimes difficult to claim certain aids, due to ignorance, or by distancing themselves from digital technology, since requests are most often made on the Internet. Here are some ideas, starting with the ASPA, the solidarity allowance for the elderly.

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Seniors are entitled to aid, but the administrative difficulties put off many.  Call on your pension funds.  (Illustration) (FLUXFACTORY / E+ / GETTY IMAGES)

Even as inflation lowers the purchasing power of the French, a recent study DREES (the direction of research, studies, evaluation and statistics), stresses that 321,200 elderly people would not receive the former minimum old age when they are entitled to it. The “minimum old age”, the solidarity allowance for the elderly or theBLADE today, is an aid far too little known in France.

The Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics noted in a recent study that approximately 50% of eligible retirees would not request it. This is a shortfall of 205 euros per month, on average, for the people concerned. So, how can you benefit from it, and above all how can you identify the help you may need?

16% of eligible people who are aware of existing aid decide to give it up because of the cumbersome administrative procedures. Are you retired?Your pension fund ((CNAV, CARSAT, CGSS, CSS, MSA) can help you, especially if you cannot benefit from the APA (personal autonomy allowance).

Aids to cope with difficulties in daily life

If you need help at home: shopping, household help, meal delivery, or if you do not feel safe at home, need remote assistance, to arrange your accommodation, if you need assistance following hospitalization, if you have just moved or your caregiver is going on vacation or is hospitalized, your pension funds can inform you and help you.

Pension funds can help you finance a move or accompany you in the administrative procedures related to the move. If you are going to live in a suitable place, they can also accompany you.

To find out which pension fund you depend on: the site retirement informationthe Retirement Insurance website, the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) website, the AGIRC ARRCO supplementary scheme website and theIRCANTEC.



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