the heart rate sensor works wonders

Adam Croft is a 36-year-old British author best known for his crime novels. A few weeks ago he started to feel bad. “When I got up, I saw the world stop. I found myself on the ground in a sweat. » The author explains to the BBC that these symptoms, although worrying, did not alert him unduly and he went to bed in stride.

The next day when he woke up, his Apple Watch indicated disturbances in his heart rhythm. Croft had atrial fibrillation. Faced with repeated alerts from his watch, he ends up contacting 911 and is rushed to the hospital. He was able to be treated on site and is now starting an electrical cardioversion program to get his heart back on track.

Atrial fibrillation is very difficult to diagnose. Doctors are totally capable of it, but people who suffer from this heart problem rarely go to the hospital. Symptoms are usually quite mild and patients do not realize they are sick.

Apple Watch: a 2.0 guardian angel?

An archaic heartbeat can lead to tachycardia. In the long term, it will exhaust the heart and cause cardiac arrest. For Adam Croft one thing is certain, this story made him aware of the capabilities of Apple’s connected watch and he assured that it would “always stay on his wrist” from now on.

Like Croft hundreds of people are saved thanks to the data collected by their watch. Since the arrival of the Apple Watch and the proliferation of its sensors, the Apple device has saved the lives of many people. During the winter, a 16-year-old boy who went skiing with his mother developed pulmonary edema. Thanks to the smartwatch, he was aware of these symptoms and was able to be treated in time. – Official App

By: Keleops AG



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