The premeditated murder of a policeman.. The suspects have recently been imbued with extremist ideology and have adopted methods of individual terrorism

The Director of the Central Office for Judicial Research, Cherkaoui Habboub, confirmed today, Friday, in Salé, that the suspects in committing premeditated murder and mutilation of the corpse of a policeman in Casablanca have been imbued with extremist ideology in recent times, and have adopted the methods and tactics of individual terrorism.

Mr. Habboub explained, in a press conference dedicated to shedding light on the developments of the premeditated murder, in which a policeman was killed while carrying out his duties, that the available data confirm that “the three suspects were imbued with extremist ideology recently, as they did not declare allegiance to the terrorist organization ISIS until a month ago.” Almost half, which is likely given the assumption of rapid extremism, especially in light of their simple and low academic level.

He added that one of the three detainees, who is the main suspect, is known for his numerous judicial precedents in common law crimes, noting that his last judicial precedent was in 2013, when he was judicially convicted of theft with violence, drug consumption and possession of white weapons without a legitimate basis.

The director of the Central Office for Judicial Research said that the research tracks “confirmed that the suspects adopted the methods and tactics of individual terrorism to commit their brutal crime, before they seized the professional handcuffs and the functional weapon of the victim policeman with the purpose of using it in committing a subsequent crime of robbing a bank agency.”

It was recorded that the search procedures made it possible to confirm the elements of “premeditation” in this terrorist project, following it was proven that the suspects accurately identified the location of the targeted banking agency, conducted reconnaissance tours in its vicinity, and agreed on a method of storming it with the aim of exploiting the proceeds of this crime to finance terrorist activities.

The director of the Central Office for Judicial Research confirmed the terrorist motive for this crime immediately following the arrest of the three suspects, as indicated by the General Directorate of National Security in its published communiqué regarding this case.

He pointed out that, according to the data obtained by the investigators team, until this stage of the research, the three suspects recently declared their allegiance to the terrorist organization ISIS, following one of the suspects repeated what they considered the “alleged oath of allegiance,” which was adopted and repeated by the rest of the suspects. , indicating their involvement in a terrorist organization within a collective project that aims to seriously harm public order.

The information currently available, according to Mr. Habboub, also indicates that the suspects were planning to join ISIS camps in the Sahel region, before they backed down from this endeavor due to the lack of sufficient funding sources to secure travel, which prompted them to adopt an alternative proposition, which is to carry out local terrorist operations targeting men. Security, banking agencies and banking institutions.

On the other hand, the director of the Central Office for Judicial Research confirmed that it was not possible to suggest any of the research hypotheses when the dead body was discovered at the crime scene, which made the investigators team deal with all possible hypotheses, including the hypothesis of the terrorist motive, as existing paths that require Investigation, investigation and auditing.

He added that “the method of executing this criminal act, the method of mutilation of the corpse, the victim’s job as a policeman, the location of his surveillance, and the indications of stripping him of his professional weapon and professional handcuffs (…) are all data and indicators that confirmed from the beginning that we are facing an organized criminal act, committed by more than two people at least, And that the backgrounds of this work may be purely criminal motives, such as theft, for example, or it may have extremist backgrounds.

He continued, saying, “The research team worked hard to collect testimonies from dozens of witnesses in the vicinity of the discovery of the body and the place where the car was set on fire, but it did not carry anything new in the search, and technical and scientific dealings were carried out with a huge group of samples and traces removed from the crime scene,” highlighting that the team The investigators downloaded and extrapolated many digital contents in order to determine the paths of the suspects, as well as monitor the path taken by the victim’s car, following his pure soul was taken and his professional supplies and personal car were stolen.

Mr. Habboub confirmed that, thanks to the joint efforts of the investigation team from the interests of the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance and the General Directorate of National Security, it was possible to identify the first suspect and arrest him in the city of Casablanca, and immediately following that the hiding place of the second suspect was monitored and arrested in the Sidi Ahrazem area in the suburbs of Fez. Before the third suspect was arrested in Casablanca.

The Director of the Central Office for Judicial Research appreciated the wide interaction and great response of citizens, male and female, to the research and investigation team, “as we recorded spontaneous cooperation on the part of a large number of citizens who were reporting every emergency, and voluntarily submitting their statements in service of justice, and giving their testimony in the hope of enlightening the research and clarifying the truth.” and arrest those involved.

He also highly praised the broad solidarity demonstrated by large segments of Moroccan society, who sympathized with the small policeman’s family, and with his large family represented by the National Security Authority, a solidarity that was embodied in messages of condolence and sympathy from various spectrums and segments of Moroccan society.

The director of the Central Office for Judicial Research said, “At this stage of the research, we can talk regarding a terrorist cell consisting of three main suspects: the alleged emir of this terrorist cell, who is 31 years old, and the second suspect, who is 37 years old, who participated in Physical execution of the crime of premeditated murder and mutilation of the body of the victim policeman. As for the third suspect, he is 50 years old, and he participated in an actual way in changing the features of the crime and obscuring evidence following deliberately setting fire to the victim’s car.”

It is also possible, Mr. Habboub adds, to neutralize the dangers of this terrorist cell, and to repel its threats to the security of people and property, especially following the investigators team succeeded in recovering the functional weapon and the five stolen bullets, as the ballistic experiences accomplished by the Scientific and Technical Police Laboratory confirmed that this weapon was not used in No shots were fired by those involved.

Regarding the research paths adopted to clarify the truth regarding this heinous terrorist crime, and to arrest those involved in it, Mr. Habboub said that it is the culmination of joint work and tight field coordination between the General Directorate of National Territory Surveillance and the interests of the General Directorate of National Security, represented by the State Department of the Judicial Police in the city of Casablanca and the National Division of the Judicial Police. And scientific and technical police experts.

He also praised the contribution made by the Royal Gendarmerie during the preparatory procedures for this case, especially in the inspection and spatial survey operations at the scene of the discovery of the body of the victim policeman, as well as the place where his private car was deliberately set on fire and neglected in a rural area.

He also thanked the representatives of the local authority, who spared no effort in providing the necessary support and backing, to facilitate the task and tasks of the search, investigation and spatial combing teams.

He stressed, in the same context, that all the field research procedures, the technical and scientific expertise accomplished in this case, as well as the diagnostic processes that contributed to the arrest of the suspects, were carried out under the direct supervision of the Public Prosecution in the city of Casablanca in the first phase of the research, and under the actual guidance of the Public Prosecution. The Public Authority for Terrorism Cases, following the extremist and terrorist nature of this heinous crime emerged.

Mr. Habboub stressed that the research procedures assigned by the competent Public Prosecution Office to the Central Office for Judicial Research affiliated to the General Directorate of National Territory Surveillance are currently continuing in coordination with the interests of the General Directorate of National Security, in order to monitor possible links to this terrorist act, and to diagnose all those supposedly involved in participating and contributing. In its implementation, in addition to revealing all the backgrounds and circumstances surrounding this case, which claimed the life of the victim policeman who was a martyr of national duty while providing security services on the public street.

He recalled that the dismantling of this terrorist cell involved in the crime of premeditated murder and the mutilation of the body of the victim policeman coincided with an imminent terrorist project whose risks were neutralized and aborted by the security services in the city of Safi, in close cooperation with the General Directorate of National Territory Surveillance.

And the matter is also related here. Al-Sharqawi Haboub records an extremist person loyal to ISIS, who was arrested in the city of Safi the day before yesterday, Wednesday, following he declared allegiance to the alleged emir of this terrorist organization, and documented this in digital content, marking the transition to the stage of material implementation of his terrorist project, indicating that he The latter, in turn, was subjected to the judicial investigation procedures entrusted by the Public Prosecution to the Central Bureau for Judicial Research, to reveal all the elements and features of his terrorist project.



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