Proposal gathers all big students in one school: – It will cause chaos

HERRING:Does it make sense to create a common superstructure school, which gathers all students from 7th -9th grade and maybe also 10th grade in a common school in Hjørring city? The proposed location of such a school would probably be Muldbjergskolen at Skolevangen in the middle of Hjørring.

There was actually a conservative proposal which popped up already in the municipal election campaign in 2021 and later in the autumn budget negotiations. But now it appears that the proposal must be examined more closely.

In any case, a majority in Hjørring municipality’s Children, Leisure and Culture Committee (BFU) has asked the municipality’s administration to investigate the proposal in more detail.

– It is not a proposal that I am particularly enthusiastic regarding, but it deserves to be investigated further, says committee chairman Gry Bruun Nielsen (R).

In practice, this would mean that the superstructure students from the schools in Højene, Bagterp and Lundergård would have to make the trip up to Muldbjergskolen, which was supposed to be rebuilt for a larger sum of millions in order to accommodate several hundred students in a common superstructure school.

Archive photo: Hans Ravn“/>

A common superstructure school was supposed to be located at Muldbjerg School Archive photo: Hans Ravn

– Our vision is that it might create a very strong professional environment, for example with a more marked specialization towards certain educations. At the same time, the location at Skolevangen – close to the educational institutions – will create a more natural transition to youth education for the young people, says group chairman Per Møller (K).

Per Møller (K) believes that a joint extension school will be able to provide a strong professional environment and a more natural transition to youth education.  <i>private photo</i>“/>
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Per Møller (K) believes that a joint extension school will be able to provide a strong academic environment and a more natural transition to youth education. private photo

There may also be a financial benefit in that you can achieve “full” classes to a greater extent with the maximum number of students in each class at a shared superstructure school.

It will cause chaos

The Social Democratic Party, however, gives the thumbs down in advance:

– It will cause chaos with all the students who have to transport themselves through the city. I do not believe that Muldbjerg School is geared up for such an expansion as it will require, and it would also be a loss for the schools to lose their superstructures, where the young students can reflect on the older students, says committee member Sven Bertelsen ( S).

He also believes that it will create inequality in the municipality, because it is only the students in Hjørring town who must gather at one school.

– I admit that it can be a challenge with long transport for some students in the city, but let’s also now see a closer analysis of the idea, says Per Møller.



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