Expert Stahel explains Putin’s plans in Moldova

As the Ukraine war progresses, Russia plans further steps. President Putin’s intentions can be found in a secret Kremlin paper that was recently leaked to an international media consortium.

This document says that Russia wants to take over the Republic of Moldova. Specifically: Ukraine’s neighbor is said to become dependent on Moscow by 2030.

But why does Putin want to tie Moldova more closely to Russia? And how does the head of the Kremlin intend to do that while the Ukraine war is raging at the same time? asked military and strategy expert Albert A. Stahel.

He says: “Since he came to power in 1999/2000, Putin has been pursuing the goal of restoring the Soviet Union as far as possible to its former borders.” In addition to states such as Ukraine and Belarus, the Republic of Moldova also belongs to the old USSR.

For Putin, there are different arenas regarding his goal. Stahel: “Part of his plan is the Ukraine war. The takeover of power over Belarus is insidious, for example through the stationing of troops or economic and political connections. »

Different in Moldova. “Putin is pursuing a different strategy there,” explains expert Stahel. Transnistria apparently plays an important role in this.

The de facto regime, protected by Russia, is located on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border and is part of the Republic of Moldova. The area is not internationally recognized. However, since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Russian units have been stationed there.

As a result, Putin might use a “corruption strategy” in Moldova, says Stahel. “These include the purchase of politicians, funded popular demonstrations and the demonstration of power by Russian troops. Perhaps he will achieve his goal of demoting Moldova to a Russian vassal state.” So under Russian influence.

Opinion poll

Do you think Russia’s plan to subjugate Moldova and Belarus will work?

Stahel is certain that the leaked plans are aimed at restoring the Soviet Union. “It will determine the geopolitical situation in western Eurasia in the coming years or even decades. The so-called period of peace is over.”



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