Denounced during the #metoo movement, Alex Nevsky has come a long way with a new album: “I found the pleasure of making music again”

“Before starting the round of interviews last week, I was really stressed to find the media. I can’t say I was so excited. Eventually I started the interviews and just met kind and sweet people. This put down my apprehensions. »

• Read also: After a two-and-a-half-year hiatus, Alex Nevsky will release an album in March

It’s easy to see why Alex Nevsky was freaking out before releasing the instrumental album yesterday Even the impossible blooms.

The artist behind the hits We made them believe, Les coloreds et Polaroid come a long way.

Like several other artists, he was swept up in the whirlwind of denunciations of sexual misconduct by the #metoo movement that marked the summer of 2020. Following a text he had published on Instagram, a former partner accused of having a toxic relationship with her.

“I would have liked to write a text that doesn’t offend anyone and send the message I wanted, but that’s not what happened,” he regrets, almost three years later.

The lost passion

However, long before this story came to light, Alex Nevsky admits that he had lost his passion for his profession.

“When I left [l’album] wild pathbefore the pandemic [2019], I was unhappy, I was tired. It no longer tempted me to make music and I no longer found myself in what I was doing as music. »

As a result, the album was a failure.

“My last album, it didn’t resonate anywhere. It opened my eyes. It was my passion and one day it was no longer. »

Alex Nevsky says the weight of success weighed heavily on his shoulders, he who never wanted to make music in order to become a star.

Caught in the gears

When he was studying at the national school, he recalls, his goals were to release an album that would appeal to his fellow musicians and to compose an instrumental album. Nothing more. Even when recordingHimalaya my love with his accomplice Alex McMahon, the record that made him a star in 2013, he did not think he was making popular song.

“Everyone around us said it was hits, but we didn’t see at all that we were going to play on the radio. We had called the guitarist from Plants and Animals, who played solos, lying on the floor in the studio. It was just really the fun. »

Success came and Alex Nevsky got caught up in it.

“I’ve never been really satisfied on top of that mountain because you’re just constantly looking to repeat the successes, just constantly trying to make more money. It made me unhappy. »

The pleasure of return

Today, it is quite the opposite. He makes music for the right reasons.

“It’s not the miserly Nevsky who just wants to be number one. He’s just the guy who found the real fun of making music once more. »

“Right now, he says, speaking of his love of the job, it’s very strong. I sent the Soundcloud link of the album to people and I looked at the stats like in 2005 on MySpace with the excitement of seeing that people had listened to the same song four times on the same day, while there Not long ago, I was just depressed because I wasn’t number 1. It all feels so good. »



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