Soil artificialization: the Senate pushes to relax the constraints

In the midst of the chaos linked to the pension reform, the senators decided on another subject which also arouses, on another scale, tensions. On the night of Thursday to Friday, they adopted a bill which should facilitate the implementation of an objective set last year in the climate and resilience law, and which has since become the bane of local elected officials: the “zero net artificialisation” of soils, or ZAN. France wants to achieve it by 2050, but is aiming by 2030 to halve the consumption – in other words, of concreting – of agricultural, natural and forest areas.

With this text, there was no question of going back on these two major objectives, assured the parliamentarians, but of giving tools to mayors to help them in this transition. The proposed adaptations make it possible to “respond to very concrete difficulties” on the ground, explained the senator from the North and co-rapporteur of the text, Valérie Létard, at the opening of the debates this week. “There is now a consensus that the law needs to be changed,” she said.



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