The economic situation is complicated and Cipolletti workers fear for their jobs

This morning the manager of Cipolletti’s Pollolin company, Fabian Maionchi He stated that the avian flu outbreaks affected the company’s economic development, generating uncertainty as to how they will continue to sustain themselves if the outbreaks prevail. Until now, the company slaughtered more than 600 thousand birds corral and this fully affected the commercial sector.

The manager explained that when the cases of avian flu began to appear in the country, they thought that the Alto Valle de Río Negro would be the last area affected. However, this did not happen and following detecting the first cases in the north of the country they began to appear in the Neuquén region until they quickly reached Mainque. There, the first cases of bird flu were detected in poultry farms nationwide.

So far in Mainque 620 thousand birds have been slaughtered. Besides, it was established that the production centers that are within 10 kilometers of the focus were intervened by Senasa personnel until the entire procedure for removing the birds, cleaning, and disinfection of the entire establishment has been carried out and has been maintained for 30 days. “Once this process is finished, the farm can be repopulated, meanwhile no farm in the area can raise chickens,” Maionchi explained.

“We had the misfortune of being the first”

The affected farms mean a significant percentage around 25% and 30% of the productive capacity, which means that In two months from now, production will decrease in the factory. Maionchi stated that there are no other farms that can be taken over to supply that amount.

From the company they assured that “it is not possible to understand how the virus entered the best farm in the entire Mainque integration. They had all the biosecurity elements and what Senasa asks for to be able to work and they still got infected,” said Fabian Maionchi in LU19.

He added that “for now everything is under control. The protocol that Senasa has in these cases was applied, which is the stamping out and then the burial of the farm material so that the virus does not continue to spread.

He also explained that they maintain dialogue with the national and provincial government from the outset. “We are taking steps to receive help because the capital that is destroyed is tremendous. and important for the company and complicates to be able to continue working”.

for his part The workers assure that the Cipolletti company lowered the productive yield to 50% and for the moment they do not know anything regarding the help that the Nation and Province will provide, therefore, they fear for their jobs. They assure that there are currently 900 people who depend on the company.

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