Aidshilfe / Psychology: HIV therapy: the successful treatment of HIV

HIV positive and no longer contagious to others

Below the detection limit and no longer infectious
If the viral load in the case of an infection with HIV is below the detection limit and therefore cannot be determined in the blood, an HIV-positive person is no longer contagious to other people. To this realization came the so-called Partner Study around eight years ago.
Effective HIV therapy suppresses virus production to such an extent that detection in the blood using conventional methods is no longer possible. As a result, a transmission of HIV to other people is then excluded. Anyone who is HIV-positive is then no longer contagious to other people because of the medication.

Conclusion: Successful treatment of HIV also protects other people and curbs the spread of HIV.

Long-term study underpins the effectiveness of HIV therapy

In the study, couples with different HIV statuses were observed for a total of four years and regularly questioned and medically examined. They had unprotected sex, but the contagion was zero. In a follow-up study, the Partner-2-Studyonly homosexual men in steady relationships took part. In the 972 couples in which one partner was HIV-positive, there was not a single infection during unprotected sexual intercourse.

During the eight-year Partner 2 study period, 15 originally HIV-negative men contracted the virus. However, the scientists found out by means of genetic screening of the virus material that the infection did not come from the partner registered in the study, but from another HIV-positive man. The researchers therefore firmly emphasize that not only antiretroviral therapy alone, but also regular HIV tests are an important measure to eradicate the virus in the long term.

Beware of other sexually transmitted infections

In addition, the scientists continue to warn once morest unprotected sexual intercourse. Especially with changing sex partners, the risk of becoming infected with other sexually transmitted diseases is extremely high. The number of infections with gonorrhea (“clap”), syphilis and HPV (human papilloma virus) has risen sharply once more in recent years, especially in the western world.

Film: Protection once morest HIV through therapy (interview with Armin Scharfberger)

Free psychological help and advice

Die Aidshilfe Salzburg offers free psychotherapy and psychological counseling for HIV-positive people and their families who are economically weak or have a low income.

Author: Florian Friedrich
Psychotherapist in Salzburg / Hamburg
(existential analysis)



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