German, English, Spanish: silver for language talent Judith

Judith Schippany can be happy regarding second place in the nationwide foreign language competition in the “Switch” category. The 5th grader at the HAK/HTL Freistadt showcased her foreign language skills in a 15-minute conversation with one Spanish-speaking and one English-speaking member of the jury. Switching from one language to another in a matter of seconds, Schippany confidently presented a given topic – in her case a real start-up (“Carployee”) of former HAK students. Shortly before the start, the participants received the topic and the documents in German from the jury. Then it was time to flip the switch in English and Spanish.

The joy of foreign languages ​​is awakened in the HAK/HTL Freistadt apart from the lessons through language trips, which are firmly anchored in the training plan. In the third class, for example, they go to Ireland, in the fourth class Spain is on the program. One of these language trips was finally able to start once more this year in February following a break due to corona: In Ireland, the students from the third classes of HAK and HTL were enthusiastic regarding the diverse impressions, the new culture, the sights and – you would hardly believe it – from the food on the Emerald Isle.

The language acquisition happened almost by itself. Nothing stands in the way of the next successes in language competitions.


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