A 71-year-old woman, whose identity has not been revealed, thought she was just gaining weight over time.
However, upon seeking medical help, she discovered a nearly 64 kg tumor had been growing on her ovary for the past 15 years.
The clinical case was reported in the medical journal Cureus Journal of Medical Science on February 27 of this year. According to doctors, the patient sought the hospital following experiencing severe pain in her left leg, as well as shortness of breath and skin infections.
The professionals noted that the woman, already morbidly obese, had unusual abdominal swelling. Laboratory tests revealed that all the mass present in her belly was a rare type of ovarian cancer called mucinous adenocarcinoma.
In this type of tumor, the cancer cells are filled with fluid and coated with mucus. Doctors further discovered that the reported pain in her left leg was due to a blood clot.
The patient’s cancer, fortunately, had not spread throughout the body, which allowed for removal surgery. After the procedure, she was instructed to use an abdominal strap for 12 weeks and spent a few days intubated under monitoring in the ICU. Twenty days later, the patient was discharged.
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