Dr Antonio Tourville, DAYS 7,817,849
the caves

Perón, knowing that a party that, as its name indicates, is only a part, was not enough to face the liberation, created a front with the Labor Party of union origin and part of the Radical Party, and other minor fractions, and thus established Quijano, a prominent radical leader, as vice president. When he won, he immediately called on all the progressive sectors to establish themselves as a National and Popular Movement, and with that Movement he carried out economic independence, recovering Political sovereignty and Development.

But the Armed forces, deformed in the US and a tiny group of politicians banked by the Pastoril oligarchy, overthrew him and outlawed him.

And the “Fight and Come Back” began and Perón returned, but hidden forces sponsored by the embassy began to attack Peronism. To later ally with US-trained fascist military.

So that they annihilate a youth that believed in false prophets, who, of course, were protected and have good health and fortune. And so that supposedly liberal economists were installed, to become a colony of the Anglo-American empire, like now. And along the way, patriots like Alfonsín arose, whom they dismissed with an economic coup. And Néstor who unfortunately spent us. And we come to our times and we have Cristina, insulted, persecuted, attacked, and banned.

And he fought and was reborn, but Cristina knows that with the PJ it is not enough and he goes out to build alliances like the one we have with radical sectors, like Moreau’s, or with Zamora, another good radical from Santiago del Estero, with trade union organizations and social, or like the army in Río Negro, with Wereltineck and orchestrated by a loyalist to Cristina, like Senator Doñate.

But we have as a problem the obscurantism of characters who privatized the PJ, to satisfy their interests, preventing affiliation with ridiculous obstacles, to the point that more than half of the candidates presented by the three lists of the PJ are not affiliated.

And with that, the formation and political discussion disappeared, and everything was transformed into a gastronomic party, where those from below got together to eat chorizos and roasts and other delicacies from above.

In other words, they depoliticized politics.

And they use this to stop the great National Movement in the making, accusing those of us who want to fight for the Homeland and the future of its people as traitors.

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