The abyss. Conquering deep seas

This “P’tit doc +” makes us dive into the deep sea… A real immersion in this little-known environment! In this book, we learn how we measure the depth of the oceans, what the relief of these depths looks like, that there are even hot springs of water called “smokers”, but also that there is life there despite the absence of light and plants. The animals have adapted to this environment and have sometimes developed astonishing characteristics (bioluminescence). This universe, however hostile to humans (very cold temperature, no light, a lot of pressure) is nevertheless increasingly exploited (especially for oil and its mineral wealth) and studied thanks to technological progress. A very mysterious habitat More humans have been to the Moon than to the deepest point of the oceans! In this book, we learn a lot regarding this environment: what it looks like, what animals we find there and how they live in this universe without light and without plants, with what machines we go there… The “P ‘tits doc +’, docs for older children After “Mes p’tits docs”, this collection is intended for children who are beginning to read independently. More information, more pages, a bigger book… but a documentary that still reads like a story. At the end of the book, you will be able to observe the depth records!



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