“We will not argue with the far right”: faced with the popularity of the N-VA and Vlaams Belang, Paul Magnette says he is “concerned” and tackles Georges-Louis Bouchez

Paul Magnette was the guest of RTL info Signatures this Wednesday evening.

Paul Magnette was the guest of RTL info Signatures, this Wednesday. On the set, the mayor of Charleroi answered all of Christophe Deborsu’s questions.

The 2024 elections are approaching and the polls in Flanders show a reality: the N-VA and the Vlaams Belang would collect around 45% of the vote. A “worrying” situation for Paul Magnette.

“It is worrying, indeed”, notes the president of the PS. “It worries me a lot that a far-right party, one of the toughest in Europe, is at 25%. If they ally with the nationalists of the N-VA, it can make a majority in Flanders which might paralyze the country“.

“The MR dreams of the N-VA”

For him, the danger is not to be underestimated. “We thought for a long time that fascism was behind us, that it was part of the history books. We now see that it still exists, in Italy or Sweden, they are in power. In Hungary, in Poland, the governments are also of the radical right“.

Paul Magnette reaffirms this: “In Belgium, we are not immune to this. So, we have to remember that these parties are dangerous for democracy and that we have to fight for them to be democratic parties in power. We will never discuss with the extreme right“.

Before dropping a small tackle on Georges-Louis Bouchez, the president of the MR, who says he is open to the N-VA. “We saw the fondness between Georges-Louis Bouchez and Theo Francken during a recent debate. The dream of the MR is to reform a government with them“.



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