Ambassador Permanent Representative of Morocco to the UN Omar Hilale affirmed in Doha in an intervention on behalf of the Kingdom of Morocco, on the occasion of the 5th UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries that the Morocco places cooperation with the least developed countries, in particular African and island countries, at the top of its foreign policy priorities, in accordance with the Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in terms of South-South Cooperation.

Mr. Hilale stressed that the holding of this conference takes place in an international context marked by the repercussions of a series of successive crises which have had serious and multidimensional impacts, in particular on the least developed countries, which has revealed the need to give new impetus to international cooperation and to develop mechanisms to support these countries.

The Kingdom of Morocco is keen to provide solidarity support to these countries through the implementation of a set of measures for the development of projects and programs in many areas, as well as the establishment of dedicated to the production of vaccines, and fertilizer production plants, likely to contribute to strengthening the health system and food security in Africa.

Morocco has taken a number of initiatives, including facilitating access for exports from least developed African countries to the Moroccan market, as well as facilitating the registration of African students in Universities and Vocational Training Establishments. in the Kingdom, while granting them scholarships, in addition to the regularization of the situation of approximately 50,000 immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa, settled in Morocco since 2014.

With regard to climate and food security, the Kingdom of Morocco has taken a battery of initiatives according to a participatory and global approach which has contributed to crystallizing a clear and ambitious African vision in order to meet the challenges of Climate Change.

The support of the three committees launched on the occasion of the African Climate Summit, held at the invitation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI on the sidelines of COP22 organized in Marrakech in 2016.

Mr. Hilale highlighted the “Triple A” initiative launched with a view to adapting African agriculture to Climate Change and currently bringing together 38 African countries and several partners in the fields of development and financing.

It is also, he continues, the “Triple S” initiative, in partnership with the State of Senegal, in order to establish stability and security in Africa, in addition to the two initiatives for access to Sustainable Energy and the African Youth Climate Center, launched on the sidelines of the 2019 Climate Summit.

Mr. Hilale also referred to the initiative of OCP, allocating 4 million tons of fertilizer for the benefit of African farmers during the year 2023, with the aim of meeting the urgent needs of Africa in this vital substance.

He underlined that Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, demonstrated during an exceptional circumstance imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic its constant values ​​of solidarity with brotherly African countries and its firm commitment to them. sustain.

In this regard, he wished to highlight the initiative to provide aid in the form of medicines and means of protection and prevention to some twenty African countries, with the aim of coping with the effects of the health crisis. resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr. Hilale noted the Kingdom of Morocco’s support for the Doha work program and its commitment to actively contribute to international efforts in favor of the least developed countries in order to enable them to achieve their Sustainable Development goals.

He reiterated the Kingdom’s call on all partners, in particular the United Nations development system, to unite their efforts to implement the commitments and achieve the objectives set, so as to ensure concrete and effective support for the efforts of the least developed countries in their march towards a sustainable transition.

Mr. Hilale noted that the international community is called upon to adopt a set of united and effective initiatives in line with the Doha work programme, with the aim of supporting the efforts of economic take-off and sustainable development as soon as possible. least developed countries thus ensuring their integration into the world economy.

It is also a question, he continues, of increasing the volume of international aid intended for development, by facilitating their access to markets, by reducing the burden of their foreign debt, by strengthening their productive capacities and by investing in diversification of their sources of economic growth.

Mr. Hilale added that it is also necessary to work to enable these countries to access modern technologies, to develop their resilience to the effects of climate change and the risks of natural disasters, and to help them formulate innovative solutions enabling them to get out of the list of least developed countries.

Morocco is represented at this conference by a delegation composed in addition to Mr. Omar Hilale, the Ambassador of Morocco to Qatar Mr. Mohamed Sitri, the Director of Multilateral Cooperation and International Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Living Abroad Mr. Abdellah Ben Mellouk, as well as representatives of the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI).



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