Emirates News Agency – Maj. Gen. Al Shamsi: Sustainable partnership with the media is the main supporter in strengthening institutional efforts

SHARJAH, 15th March / WAM / The General Command of Sharjah Police achieved 98% in the index of feeling safe in general in the Emirate of Sharjah, in addition to a package of achievements in the indicators of the national agenda and its strategic objectives during the past year 2022, which came as a result of continuous work that reflects the efforts of the leadership towards institutional leadership. .

This came during the seventh media forum under the slogan “The Role of Media in Promoting Sustainable Development,” which was organized by the Media and Public Relations Department today at the headquarters of the Sharjah Police General Command, in the presence of its strategic partners from various print, audiovisual, and electronic media, to display its most prominent distinguished achievements during the past year.

The meeting was witnessed by His Excellency Major General Saif Al Zari Al Shamsi, Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, His Excellency Tariq Allay, Director General of the Media Office of the Government of Sharjah, Brigadier General Arif Al Sharif, Director General of Resources and Support Services, Brigadier General Ahmed Al Serkal, Director General of Police Operations, Brigadier Dr. Ahmed Saeed Al Naour, Director General of Central Operations, and Brigadier Dr. Muhammad Khamis Al Othmani, Director General of the Academy of Police Sciences, Salem Al-Ghaithi, Director of Sharjah TV, deputy general managers and directors of departments, and a wide presence of representatives of local, Arab, foreign and Asian media.

Major General Saif Al-Zari Al-Shamsi said that the sustainable partnership with the media is the main supporter in strengthening institutional efforts and consolidating security media values ​​and goals to achieve sustainable security media in the Emirate of Sharjah. In this forum, we extend our thanks and appreciation to all media outlets at various levels, which had a role in achieving the indicators. And fruitful goals and the delivery of media messages that reflected the leadership’s agenda in enhancing the security and safety of the Emirate, praising their important and complementary role in enhancing the quality of life for the Emirates community and achieving the Ministry of Interior’s vision and strategy 2023-2026 aimed at making the UAE the best country in the world in achieving security and safety.

The forum included a film in which it reviewed the pioneering achievements of the Sharjah Police during the past year, which advance the sustainable development goals that enhance the security, community and awareness strategy. After that, the results of the national agenda indicators, strategic goals, initiatives and innovative projects during the year 2022 were reviewed.

Lieutenant Yaqoub Al-Mansoori from the Strategy and Performance Development Department spoke regarding the percentage of the sense of safety that contributed to making the Emirate an address for security and safety, as the percentage of the sense of safety reached (98%) and a decrease in the index of crimes of concern per 100 thousand people, by (7%), while he indicated a significant decrease In the rate of road accidents per 10,000 vehicles, which amounted to (22%), in addition to the decrease in the rate of the number of deaths resulting from road accidents per 10,000 vehicles by (22%).

Lieutenant Yacoub added that the indicator of readiness and preparedness in facing events during 2022 achieved a decrease in the response rate estimated at (15%), as the response time for emergencies reached (4.58) minutes compared to the year 2021. The operating rooms also achieved distinguished results and statistics in receiving Communications and dealing with them according to quality and efficiency standards, as they dealt with (1 million 802 thousand and 933) calls on the number /999/ designated for emergency cases, and (213 thousand 883) calls on the number /901/ designated for non-emergency cases .

Achievements included achieving the indicator of customer happiness with the services provided by (94%), as the total number of physical transactions and through service centers amounted to (2 million and 16 thousand and 822) transactions during the year 2022 with a satisfaction rate of (96%) regarding their experience in using digital channels, the website and the smart application and (93.7%) Satisfaction rate with the services provided through the customer happiness centers, as the time to apply for the service reached (1 minute and 18 seconds), with a waiting rate of (1 minute).

In the field of drugs, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed bin Rabia, Deputy Director of the Narcotics Control Department, referred to the achievements made by the department in preserving a society free of narcotic substances and psychotropic substances and raising awareness of their dangers, pointing to an increase in seizures by (7.1%) in the year 2022, reviewing the most important qualitative issues that took place. They were thwarted during the year 2022, including the issue of precious hunting, the issue of Eid, safe suburbs, and a proactive process in seizing a factory for converting and extracting narcotic crystal before starting the promotion operations. He also referred during the forum to the awareness efforts, programs, and activities promoting that, which amounted to (125) events and activities, with an increase rate of (54.3%). ) for the year 2021, when (98 thousand and 252) people benefited from it.

On the security media side, First Lieutenant Manea Al Naqbi, Director of the Security Campaigns Branch at Sharjah Police, reviewed the role of security media in enhancing the quality of security and community life and its importance in communicating with all segments of society. Referring to the number of security and traffic campaigns that were organized during the past year, which amounted to (17) campaigns, and benefited regarding (3 million, 769 thousand, and 144) beneficiaries, adding to the media materials that were completed during the year 2022, which are (478) press releases and (66) articles. films and (368) educational publications, in addition to the television and radio programs that are broadcast on Sharjah Radio and Television, and the activities and events that it carried out and participated in, which amounted to regarding (111) events and activities.

The achievements of the Sharjah Police during the year 2022 included many security, traffic and community strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the UAE community in order to achieve the vision of the Ministry of Interior in making the UAE the best country in the world in achieving security and safety.

Major Sultan bin Talea from the Criminal Investigation and Investigation Department at Sharjah Police gave a full explanation regarding the “electronic patrols” initiative, which aimed to intensify security efforts by monitoring social networking sites and monitoring negative and immoral behaviors and security and social phenomena.

Major Ahmed Al Muhairi from the Criminal Investigation and Investigation Department spoke regarding the “Saher” initiative, reviewing its comprehensive preventive goals, which seek to reduce the rate of disturbing reports, increase the sense of safety, expand the circle of receiving information, quickly discover crimes and apprehend the perpetrators.

Major Abdullah Al Mazrouei from the Criminal Investigation Department gave an explanation regarding the “SADAD” initiative, which aimed to settle financial disputes and ensure the return of rights to their owners to ensure social cohesion between members of society. The initiative recovered (447 million, 522 thousand and 86) dirhams during the year 2022.

On the most important pioneering projects achieved by the Sharjah Police Criminal Laboratory, the mummification project, Colonel Engineer Adel Al Mazmi, Head of the Criminal Laboratory, reviewed the objectives and nature of the project.

The comprehensive police stations in Sharjah have also accomplished a number of pioneering initiatives. First Lieutenant Salem Hassan Al Ali from Wasit Police Station reviewed the proactive initiative “Your Consolation, Consolation”, which completed (1,732) services for organizing mechanisms for handing over dead bodies to their families, and the Smart Corner initiative. Major Saud Al-Ahbash reviewed Service Centers Rehabilitation Project, and Captain Khalid Bin Khadim of the Al-Gharb Al-Shamel Police Station, the Visual Investigation Initiative.

In terms of traffic initiatives, Lieutenant Colonel Rashid bin Sandal spoke regarding the Sharjah Senior Citizens Project, which aims to enhance the social responsibility of the elderly, pointing out that the project has completed since its launch in 2018 (22,136) services for senior citizens, which consisted of transporting them to hospitals. Captain Abdulaziz Al-Mazrou, an officer at the Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department, reviewed the mobile service center project, which was launched in 2020, and provides (35) traffic and licensing services. in the customer happiness index.

First Lieutenant Badriya Al Naqbi from the Strategy and Performance Development Department spoke of the achievements that Sharjah Police reaped during 2022, which is obtaining (8) excellence awards at the local, regional and global levels during the year 2022, which varied between institutional and individual awards, including the Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak Program for Excellence, Intelligence and Social, and the Sharjah Award. For educational excellence and the Sharjah Award for Women, while the number of literary works during the past year reached (114) intellectual works, including the Handbook of an Anesthetic Fingerprint, the Guidelines for Governance, the Sharjah Security Eye, the Smart Periodical, and others.

The forum also included an open dialogue session with the official spokespersons of the police departments, namely Brigadier General Ahmed Abdulaziz Shuhail, Director of the Penal and Correctional Institution Department, Colonel Youssef bin Harmoul, Director of the Comprehensive Police Stations Department, Colonel Omar Ahmed Balzod, Director of the Criminal Investigations and Investigations Department, Colonel Nasser bin Afsan, Director of the Electronic Services and Communications Department, and Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Alai Al-Naqbi, Director of the Traffic and Patrols Department, and they were interviewed by Captain Ahmed Hamad Al-Hammadi.

The session witnessed a wide interaction by the media, responding to all questions and inquiries on various topics in all criminal, traffic, community and electronic fields, and in the field of customer happiness.

In response to media inquiries, the attendees indicated that the installation of surveillance cameras in the most prominent streets of the emirate and vital facilities within the “Sharjah Safe City” project reached 85%, pointing out that the project started with 500 cameras and has reached 65,799 cameras so far. Including 21,000 cameras that were added during the last six months, and the total number of violations committed by drivers on the streets of the emirate in 2022 exceeded the barrier of one million violations. In addition, during the last three years, 82 speed control devices were installed on the external roads of the emirate and in the central and eastern regions.

In order to reduce traffic congestion in the streets of the Emirate, the speakers explained that Sharjah Police and the Roads and Transport Authority are in constant contact to find appropriate solutions, as traffic signals have recently been installed in a number of streets as an alternative solution to squares, provided that more of them will be installed during the coming period, stressing that security patrols In residential and industrial areas, great achievements have been made in maintaining security.

At the end of the forum, His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police honored the Sharjah Government Media Office, the Sharjah Radio and Television Authority, and media professionals from external parties, in appreciation of their positive contributions to achieving the goals of Sharjah Police aimed at enhancing security, safety and quality of life for the UAE community.



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