7 Effective Tips to Prevent High Cholesterol, Don’t Snack on Fried Food!

JAKARTA, Waspada.co.id – The level of bad cholesterol in the blood must be maintained at a level so that it always remains stable, because if bad cholesterol increases and accumulates, it can indeed be very harmful to health.

High cholesterol, which is a condition when the total cholesterol level in the blood has exceeded the normal threshold, which is less than 200 mg/dL. So, if your total cholesterol is between 200 and 239 or more, this is in the high cholesterol category.

How to prevent high cholesterol is worth knowing and doing, especially for people who have a parental history of high cholesterol. There are several powerful ways you can do to prevent high cholesterol. The following is a description of the seven ways, as explained by the Mayapada Cardiologist and Vascular Specialist at Kuningan Hospital, dr. Olivia Handayani, Sp.JP in the Instagram Live broadcast event Okezone, ‘Recognize High Cholesterol’, recently.

1. Good eating hours: This is included in the 4J concept, namely hours, type, amount and style of eating. An example for meal times, dr. Olivia emphasized never to skip breakfast, because this habit can affect the body’s natural metabolism.

“I always recommend having breakfast at 6 to 7 in the morning. Then lunch from 12 to 1 pm, and dinner at 6 to 7 pm,” said dr. Olivia.

2. Fried no. for snacks: This is for food types (4J), for example, fried or fried foods which are highly not recommended.

“I don’t recommend snacking with fried foods. Healthy snacking is snacking on cut fruit, said dr. Olivia

3. Consumption of fiber: Try to eat fibrous foods, such as fruits and vegetables which actually should be on every dinner plate and the amount must be more than rice and side dishes.

Regarding side dishes, it is advisable to choose fish and chicken, because as revealed by dr. Olivia, red meat is high in calories and calories are closely related to cholesterol.

4. Ways of cooking: Instead of processing food by frying, it is advised to process food by baking and boiling to avoid increasing cholesterol.

5. Exercise: It is recommended to do 30 minutes a day regularly. So, if per week it should be 150 minutes, because good exercise is done 5 to 7 times a week.

“I recommend that healthy people or people with high cholesterol do more walking. This also applies to those who have just eaten, don’t be lazy,” advises Dr. Olivia

6. Don’t smoke: Smoking makes fat easily accumulate in blood vessels, which can eventually become plaque and trigger serious health problems.

7. Routine control and medical check-up: The MCU routine is a form of recognizing one’s own body condition. “You have to check cholesterol, so you can know how many levels there are in the body. If it is indeed high, it can be overcome immediately, “concluded dr. Olivia.(wol/okezone/wol/d2)



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