IRES International Chronicle – Number 2022/4 – N° 180 – Wages trapped in inflation: what public measures, what renewal of demands?

Page 3 to 36: Antoine Math – Inflation, wages. State responses, employee demands | Page 37 to 55: Catherine Sauviat – United States. Rise of conflicts, unionization and wage demands in an uncertain economic context | Page 57 to 77: Jacques Freyssinet – United Kingdom. Chaotic management of the unexpected and explosion of conflict | Page 79 to 99: Marcus Kahmann – Germany. Inflation stronger than wage bargaining | Page 101 to 122: Kevin Guillas-Cavan – Austria. No reason to hold back in salary negotiations? | Page 123 to 138: Bernard Conter and Jean Faniel – Belgium. Rise in nominal wages, one-off public aid and loss of purchasing power | Page 139 to 153: Catherine Vincent – Spain. A government grappling with inflation but so far limited wage mobilizations | Page 155 to 174: Noélie Delahaie – Ireland. Faced with declining purchasing power, temporary public measures and insufficient wage increases | Page 175 to 187: Cristina Nizzoli – Italy. Policy of tax bonuses and absence of wage demands under the Draghi government | Page 189 to 209: Annie Jolivet – Sweden. Essentially budgetary measures to compensate for the rise in the cost of energy and the historic drop in real wages.



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