Can you slow down the aging process?

The menopause is rarely talked regarding – and when it is, then it’s behind closed doors. With our podcast we want to show that they can cause fear and are unfortunately still taboo even in 2023.”Crazy Sexy Menopause” change urgently. Whether it’s sleep disorders, hot flashes, nutrition or even sex – we don’t mince our words when we devote ourselves to the things that really move women in this exciting phase. Because fear is never necessary , not even in this challenging second half of life, in which we are suddenly confronted with the painfully unsexy word menopause. The podcast is presented by none other than Angela Löhr: The author has already supported, inspired and networked numerous women going through the menopause. With the editorial power of FÜR SIE behind her, she now wants to empower women to experience the menopause as something positive – as something that is crazy, but also really sexy.

Podcast “Crazy Sexy Menopause”: That’s what the 38th episode is regarding

The menopause is the age when aging quite consciously begins – Katharina Ziegelbauer is certain of that. She is the author of several books and offers online programs and online workshops on TCM nutrition. In the 38th episode of “Crazy Sexy Menopause” she tells Angela Löhr more regarding Traditional Chinese Medicine. And also how the aging process can be slowed down with traditional medicine…

Click here for the podcast episode on Spotify >>

In her book “Menopause is like puberty, only nicer!

Can TCM slow down the aging process?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is its own system and has nothing to do with western medicine. TCM is always regarding the energetic balance in the body – and regarding sufficient Qi, i.e. life energy, flowing through our body. Qi makes us alive, it makes our heart beat, digestion works, blood flows through our body. In short: We need Qi for everything that moves in our body – even for our thoughts and emotions.

If we want to live long and healthy, then we have to take good care of our Qi!

At least that’s what TCM says. Because as we get older, less Qi often flows through our body. Through our lifestyle, however, we can ensure that we replenish the so-called “postnatal Qi” a little every day – and thus slow down the aging process. Making sure, so to speak, that we grow older happy and relaxed…

Exactly how this works and how we can get the Qi flowing once more with the help of nutrition and yes, even our breathing – you can find out this and much more in the 38th episode of our podcast “Crazy Sexy Menopause”.



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