He was the only leader of the PJ of the Capital who had not yet expressed himself publicly regarding the nomination of Daniel Passerini, he being one of the top candidates for that candidacy. But, finally, the municipal government secretary, Miguel Siciliano, turned the page and aligned himself with the electoral strategy of Hacemos por Córdoba, decided by Martín Llaryora and Juan Schiaretti.
“My goal is for the project we started three years ago to be maintained. And our space has decided that Daniel, who is my friend, leads this process. Mine is not individual, I can handle my ego,” Siciliano told in statements to FM Pulxo 95.1.
In this way, Siciliano left behind the chapter of that application and said that he is focused on the “provincial project” led by Llaryora.
Asked if he aspires to accompany Passerini in the formula as a candidate for vice-president, Siciliano expressed that it is a possibility, although he avoided defining himself in this regard. “I’m not ruling anything out,” he said. And he graphed: “I don’t know if I’m going to play 5, 8 or if I’m going to go to the bank.”
On Monday, in an act that was held in the Capital for the enhancement of a square, Passerini led the act and there, in the presence of Passerini, he offered his support, a political gesture that other pre-candidates had already made, who, when the pre-election race began, they intended to lead Llaryora’s succession process.