They discover an asteroid that can hit Earth on February 14, 2046

The space agencies are observing the universe and its elements constantly. One of his jobs is to identify asteroids and assess the possibility that these might impact Earth, and now they have discovered one that can do so in 2046.

Is regarding 2023 DW, discovered last February, as it approached Earth on the 18th of that month. It is an asteroid of regarding 50 meters in diameter It completes one orbit around the Sun every 271 days. It measures the same length as an Olympic swimming pool.

He next approach to Earth will occur in three yearson March 16, 2026, when 2023 DW stays at regarding 23,184,527 kilometers, according to the calculations of the European Space Agency. However, on February 14, 2026, it will remain much closer to the planet, at regarding 1,743,024 kilometers, and there will be possibilities of impact.

This fact leads ESA to include the asteroid 2023 DW on the “risk list”. In addition, there is “one in 560 chances of impact,” says NASA and collects NPR. This equates to a 0.18% chance that the meteorite will hit Earth, or a 99.82% chance that it will not and will only pass close to the planet.

Therefore, the possibility that 2023 DW impact once morest the planet is considered “very small”. Even so, space agencies will continue to collect information regarding the meteorite and will monitor it to record any possible changes in its trajectory or orbit to safeguard planet Earth.



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