Don’t just peel the onion; Try something like this…

Onion is an ingredient that we use every day for cooking. It can be said that there are no curries without onions. Onion is an integral part of so many curries.

Many people add onion skins to plant fertilizer. If not, it is not taken for any other use. But now a viral trend is proving that onion skins also have some benefits.

Nothing else, the onion skin is washed – dried and ground into powder. Why is it used? Before that, let’s know some health benefits of onion skin.

Onion skin is good for improving immunity and heart health. It is the ‘polyphenol antioxidants’ contained in the onion skin that help improve immunity. Cardiothoracic surgeon from Columbia University Dr. Mehmet Cengims says.

Apart from this, onion skin contains many nutrients. Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E etc. are just a few of these. Onion skin can also be beneficial for digestion as it contains fiber.

Now let’s see how it is prepared and why it is used.

The onion skin is washed and dried as mentioned earlier and stored as powder. How to do this can be seen in the video below. It is usually added as an ingredient in various dishes. This is how usage comes in.

Watch the video…

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Last Updated Mar 13, 2023, 10:30 PM IST

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