Awareness and permanent examinations.. Methods of prevention of colon cancer

Colon and rectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer among men and women in the world as a whole. Today, it represents a major threat to young people due to changing dietary lifestyles, high risk factors and low awareness.

More than half of all cases of colorectal cancer can be avoided if people follow a healthy lifestyle, according to researchers and doctors. This disease, which particularly affects the elderly, has become today one of the worrisome cancers that threaten young people due to changing lifestyles..

Awareness and permanent examinations.. A way to avoid colon cancer

Colon and rectal cancer ranks third in terms of its prevalence among men and women alike, and it is a leading cause of death if not treated appropriately..

Doctors say that early detection and periodic tests are crucial factors in reducing the high rates of infection, ensuring recovery and survival..

It is worth noting that a previous American study had warned of a high incidence of colon cancer among young people under the age of fifty, with a low level of tests that diagnose this disease, which greatly threatens their lives..

In this regard, Dr. Walid Al-Qarawi, a gastroenterologist at the American Hospital Clinic in Dubai, said:

  • Colon cancer is becoming more common in young people.
  • The most susceptible to this cancer are patients over 45 years old.
  • Among its most important factors is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as eating too much meat and cutting back on fiber, in addition to family history, and finally smoking and alcohol.
  • Most patients in the early stages of colon cancer do not show any symptoms.
  • Symptoms of this disease include abdominal pain, blood in the stool, anemia, persistent vomiting, and constipation.



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