The Moulay Ismaïl University devotes a symposium to the reform of the Family Code

The Moulay Ismaïl University of Meknes held in its headquarters, Saturday, March 11, a scientific symposium on the reform of the Family Code. Organized in partnership with the Moroccan Magistrates’ Club, the Meknes Bar Association, the Regional Department of Justice and the Batoul Association for supporting girls and families, this national meeting is part of the current debate on the reform of this text adopted in 2004.

The Ministry of Justice was represented among the speakers by Fatima Barkan, alongside magistrates and lawyers, in the presence of students and teacher-researchers from the university, reports the site. al3omk. The same source indicates that during this symposium, the specialists addressed the question of divorce in the Family Code, as well as the points deserving reform for harmonization with the spirit of laws outside this text. Terms of the royal speech of the Throne Day have been taken up, in this context, as a reference on the observation of the limits that now shows a Moudawana initially intended to be progressive and equitable.

For Fatima Barkan, quoted by the Arabic-language media, such meetings in the midst of public debate on the Family Code are “an opportunity to exchange opinions and knowledge and to share experiences, which will help to establish awareness and an awareness of the importance of family stability and changing conditions, considering the family as the pillar of society as a whole, putting the best interests of the child at the heart of priorities”.

Haddou Maassou, adviser to the Meknes Court of Appeal, addressed the issue of “civil liability as the basis for the economic protection of the rights of an illegitimate child” born out of wedlock. He indicated that the Code held, in this case, the mother entirely responsible for filiation, custody of her child and all the administrative aspects relating to it, while the father is exempt from all economic charges such as alimony, schooling and medical care. In this sense, he called for the establishment of new provisions holding the father and the mother both responsible for filiation outside marriage, adds the media.

In her intervention, the judge of the Meknes Court of First Instance, Siham Ben Massoud, addressed the issue of “alimony in case law”, as well as the monitoring of statistics on economic violence, which has experienced a tendency to increase. unprecedented increase in recent years, which leads according to her to an “obstruction of family and social order”.



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