Tagesspiegel: March 13, 2013: Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new pope

Under Monday, March 13, the book of history records, among other things:

483: The married deacon Felix is ​​elected bishop of Rome with Odoacer’s consent.
1528: Interlaken Abbey, the largest landowner in the Bernese Oberland, is dissolved and incorporated into the canton of Bern. After Bern demands that the population pay their tribute to the monastery, the Reformation riots break out in the Oberland.
1813: The French Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davoût, Duke of Auerstedt, has the bridge over the Elbe in Meissen burned down.
1848: Breakout of the March Revolution in Vienna: State Chancellor Prince Clemens Metternich is overthrown and flees to England. The revolution begins with the storming of the Estates House and spread to the entire Austrian Empire in the following days.
1913: The future Australian federal capital is christened “Canberra” with a ceremony. So far, the planned city has only unofficially carried this name.
1918: The Black Sea port of Odessa is occupied by German troops.
1918: Austro-Hungarian troops blow up the Italian part of the twin peaks of Mount Pasubio following digging a tunnel under the Italian positions. Thousands of soldiers are killed. The Italian troops had planned the same thing, but were a few hours too late in their excavation work.
1928: The St. Francis Dam collapses near Santa Paula in California, killing more than 450 people in the floods.
1933: In a radio speech, Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss opposed the reactivation of the National Council and announced that the government would “remain tough to the extreme, fully aware of its responsibility”.
1933: Joseph Goebbels, head of propaganda for the NSDAP, is appointed German Reich Minister for “People’s Enlightenment and Propaganda”. The mayor of Cologne, Konrad Adenauer, is given leave by the Nazi authorities.
1938: After the German invasion, Hitler had the “Law on the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich” drawn up in Linz. With the approval of the Council of Ministers under Chancellor Arthur Seyss-Inquart following the resignation of Federal President Wilhelm Miklas, the “Anschluss” is officially completed and Austria ceases to be a sovereign state. The resigned Federal Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg is arrested by the Gestapo.
1943: An assassination attempt by Colonel Henning von Tresckow on Hitler fails: the time fuses of the detention mines smuggled into the dictator’s plane fail.
1943: In Turin, over 100,000 Italian armament workers are on strike for “peace and freedom” without the security forces trying to intervene.
1948: In Prague, 700,000 people attended the funeral service for Czechoslovak Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk, who died under unclear circumstances.
1948: In Yemen, troops of the new King Ahmed conquer the capital Sanaa and cause a bloodbath. The defeated rebels had killed Ahmed’s father, King Yahia, and other members of the ruling house.
1968: Student riots break out in several Polish cities.
1973: The Federal Government of Chancellor Bruno Kreisky decides to revalue the Schilling by 2.25 percent.
1988: A commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the “Anschluss” ends in Vienna with protests once morest Federal President Kurt Waldheim.
1988: A dust avalanche buried around 30 houses in St. Anton am Arlberg. Five Swedish vacationers and two local women are killed.
1988: In Japan, the longest sea tunnel in the world at 53.8 km, which connects the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, is opened for rail traffic following 24 years of construction.
1998: Tens of thousands of Albanians are protesting once morest the Serbian authorities in Kosovo.
2008: The price of gold, which is on the rise, has passed the $1,000 an ounce fine gold mark for the first time trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
2013: Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new pope. After one of the shortest conclaves in Church history, with only five ballots in just over a day, the 76-year-old Jesuit, who takes the name of Francis, will be introduced to the waiting faithful and the world. It is the first time that a Latin American has been elected Pope.
2018: The New York Metropolitan Opera has fired its star conductor following sexual abuse allegations once morest James Levine. An investigation has “provided credible evidence that Mr. Levine engaged in sexually abusive and harassing behavior prior to and during his work at the Met,” the opera house said. The 74-year-old rejects all allegations.

birthdays: Enrico Toselli, Italian pianist (1883-1926); Otto Molden, Austria publicist (1918-2002); Johann Rupert “Hans” Katschthaler, Austria. Politician; 1989-1996 Governor of Salzburg (1933-2012); André Téchiné, French director (1943); Gianni Motta, Italian cyclist (1943); Edgar Davids, formerly Dutch soccer player (1973); Dominik Landertinger, former Austrian Biathlete (1988).
days of death: Michel de L’Hopital, French statesman (1507-1573); Louis Cabat, French painter (1812-1893); Felice Orsini, Italian patriot (1819-1858); John Pierpont Morgan (dJ), US banker (1867-1943); Leopold Kunschak, Austria politician (ÖVP) (1871-1953); Maria Müller, Austria singer (1898-1958); Wilhelm Niesel, German Protestant theologian, President of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (1903-1988); Louison Bobet, French cyclist (1925-1983); Rolf Schult, German voice actor (1927-2013).
name days: Judith, Maximilian, Paulina, Sancha, Roderich, Rosina, Ernst, Leander, Hortense, Gerald, Christina.



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