What are the five sports to practice to stay healthy?

While in a recent survey nearly half of those questioned see the Games as an opportunity to encourage the French to do more physical activity, a specialized coach tells us what are the five activities to practice to keep in shape.

What are the five sports to practice to stay healthy?  1
We rarely think regarding it, but muscle strengthening allows you to have a better posture. ©ProTrainer

In just over 500 days, France will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Beyond this festive event, the ambition is to put more sport and physical activity in the daily life of the French people, and toreach three million additional practitioners.

This unique opportunity to get back into sport can be found in the survey carried out by the French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics (FFEPGV) in collaboration with the Ipsos institute. In effect, 47% of those questioned think that the Games will encourage the French to do more physical activity. 44% even think that it will allow them to discover new sports activities.

Worldwide, physical inactivity, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the fourth risk factor for non-communicable diseases. It is thus the cause of 3.2 to 5 million deaths per year. France is not spared. The National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) estimates that 95% of adults are exposed to a risk of health deterioration due to lack of physical activity or excessive time spent sitting.

Do not focus on the practice of a single sporting activity

The secret to successfully getting started or resuming following a long period of downtime? Start gradually, both in terms of the intensity of the effort and the frequency of training, in order to avoid the risk of injury and demotivation. Moreover, it is not necessary to focus on the practice of a sporting activity. Thibault Richard, founding coach of ProTrainer, explains that “To combine small physical efforts on a daily basis will also have a real impact on health. Concretely, we therefore prefer the stairs to the elevator, we get the bread on foot or by bike rather than by car, we get off at a bus or metro stop earlier and we finish the journey on foot…

It is then necessary to choose a sport adapted to its needs and its personality. To avoid making mistakes, the personalized sports coaching platform ProTrainer reveals its Top 5 des disciplines which help to have an iron health while having fun.

1/ Walking (in all its forms)

An activity that can be practiced easily on a daily basis. A few minutes a day is enough. Walking is ideal for working the whole body gently: the muscles of the calves, the thighs, but also of the back and the abdominals are solicited. It also improves the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

There are also different types of steps to meet all needs. For example, the Afghan or meditative walk is recommended to relax and better manage your emotions. Nordic walking or hill walking allow you to train more intensely (increased energy expenditure) and to work on your balance.

Most : unlike running, walking greatly reduces shock to the joints and back, thus limiting the risk of injury. Each walk (fast, Nordic, Afghan, meditative, urban, hiking, along the coast, on treadmills, etc.) brings specific and significant benefits.

2/ Muscle strengthening

An activity that can be done almost anywhere. A must to boost the strength of all the muscles of the body and therefore prevent many injuries. It also improves bone density (prevention of osteoporosis) and reduces chronic pain (back pain, shoulders, knees, etc.). Similarly, by opting for a targeted program, you can finally have a better posture.

Most : muscle building can be adapted to everyone and personalized according to the respective objectives of each. In this context, being accompanied by a personal sports coach can be a real plus. It is also an economic activity. In fact, most exercises can be performed using body weight or small equipment (elastic bands, Swiss-ball, dumbbells, suspension straps, etc.).

3/ Swimming

An activity recommended for people with joint problems or overweight, pregnant women and seniors. Swimming is one of the most complete sports at the muscular level: arms, legs, shoulders, pectorals and especially back and abdominals are solicited. Ideal for developing a beautiful posture, while improving the cardiovascular and pulmonary system. As a bonus, as it is an endurance sport, you burn calories.

Most : a “carried” sport (no shocks in the water) which preserves the joints and the back. The different types of strokes and the use of accessories such as flippers and pull-buoys allow you to vary training and intensity according to your level and your objectives.

4/ And yoga

Easy to set up in business. Nearly a third of the courses offered in companies are yoga courses. This activity helps to reduce anxiety and stress thanks to a work on the breathing which favors the reduction of the level of cortisol (stress hormone). At the same time, the whole body is muscled and supple, which helps to improve posture. Yoga is also an interesting activity to work on your balance.

Most : activity that can be done almost anywhere for a few minutes a day. It requires little material, only a good mat. There are a multitude of styles of yoga, soft or dynamic (hatha, vinyasa, ashtanga, yin, nidra…).

5/ The bike

The ideal endurance sport to work your heart and burn calories. Cycling is a very gentle sport for the joints. It is therefore ideal for overweight people.

Most : ideal means of transport to go to work. This is an excellent solution for exercising every day while optimizing your time. Possibility of using an electric bike for practitioners returning to sport.

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