Gas prices lower than before the war: what impact on our bills?

Good news concerns gas. Its price fell to its lowest level long before the start of the war in Ukraine. How to explain it when the war is not over? And above all, when and what will be the impact on our bills?

Here is the gas price curve on the wholesale markets for two years (see graph below). The maximum was reached last summer (more than 300 euros per megawatt hour). It closed on Friday slightly higher (at 52 euros). A lower price than before the war.

How can this significant and steady decline be explained? The answer is twofold.

First, a relatively mild winter despite one or two cold snaps. Then, gas stocks were well managed. At European level, the strategy has been good. We have 35 to 40% of our stocks left in Belgium.

Second question: will prices for individuals also decrease and when? The answer is yes, and it already is. The price of energy contracts fell 17% in February. March should confirm this decline.

Third question: will the price of electricity also go down? The answer is still yes, and this was already the case for the month of February since the price of electricity is linked to that of gas. The good news is that these prices should stay low. We are coming to the end of winter and gas stocks are still relatively high.

Nothing says however that they will remain so for next winter.



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