Wagner’s boss, future president of Ukraine? “I have decided to run for the 2024 election”

While fighting is still raging in Ukraine, on the Bakhmout front in particular, the leader of the Wagner group, Evegueni Prigojine, made a surprising statement on Saturday, to say the least.

In a video posted on social networks, the leader of the Russian paramilitary organization said that he had the ambition to succeed Volodymyr Zelenksy at the head of Ukraine.

‘Something has changed’: Wagner boss speaks out on Vladimir Putin

”I come out politically speaking loudly, so that everyone can hear melaunched the Russian in military uniform, in front of ruined buildings. Looking at everything around me, I have a political ambition. I have decided to run for the Ukrainian presidential election in 2024.”

Evgueni Prigojine, 61, says he is ready to oppose Petro Poroshenko, former Ukrainian president, and Volodymyr Zelensky, while the two Ukrainians have not yet announced their intentions for the next election. “If I win the election for the post of President of Ukraine, everything will be fine, guys. Ammunition will no longer be needed.”

The Russian leader’s announcement should be taken with a grain of salt. First of all, Evgueni Prigojine does not have Ukrainian citizenship, a sine qua non condition for standing for election. Then, his statement seems rather to be akin to provocation, while he has multiplied the virulent criticism of Russian Defense in recent weeks.

“The Wagner group massacres, rapes, executes. It must be placed on the list of terrorist organizations”

According to Anton Gerashenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, this announcement is “intended to distract from his political ambitions in Russia, where he dreams of coming to power and possibly becoming Putin’s successor”.



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