The teacher wants to take away smartphones from our children and asks parents to give their consent

At the parent meeting, the class teacher announced a new education system: while the lesson lasts, the children will have to put their gadgets in a box.

The strangest thing is that the hair on my head from such news began to stir only with me. Other mothers supported the teacher’s idea.

All as one began to complain that their children are constantly sitting on their phones and do not notice anything around. And the class teacher offered an excellent solution to this problem.

When I got home, the first thing I did was share the news with my husband. Valera supported my indignation. Why this circus?

We live in a modern world where gadgets have become part of our daily lives. Children can not only play with toys there, but also develop, read e-books, watch educational videos.

I did not support the idea of ​​the class teacher. Our son understands that lessons need to be learned.

You can not look at smartphones as a universal evil. We need to teach children how to use it correctly and allocate time.

Our Kolya, in addition to school, is also involved in circles and the sports section. We develop the child from different sides, he really likes what he does. Therefore, the son has no time to be stupid in gadgets. There is already a question of education and how the student’s leisure time is scheduled.

Moreover, situations are different. Maybe the child needs to contact us urgently, but they will not be allowed to take the phone out of the box. What to do then?

I directly told the teacher not to touch my child’s smartphone. Last year, we personally had a case. Kolenka had an acute stomach ache, but he was embarrassed to tell the teacher regarding it.

My son wrote to me regarding feeling unwell. I took off from work and immediately came for him. If not for the phone, it is not known how much the child would have suffered from pain.

I didn’t understand why the other parents weren’t alarmed by the teacher’s suggestion. Do all moms have children addicted to gadgets? And they themselves are not able to cope with their own children?

If so, then you need to solve the problem differently. It is necessary to explain to the child the rules for using a smartphone, to let them use it in a dosed manner.

It is better for the teacher not to pick up the phones, but to interest the children in their subject. When 9-year-olds are interested in a lesson, they will listen to it carefully, without being distracted by their toys.

We know that the forbidden fruit is sweet. Such an innovation will only increase the interest of children in their smartphones.

And then those who cannot live minutes without a gadget will become even more obsessed with them. They will wait for the end of the lesson to grab the smartphone and not let it go until the end of the break.

I don’t know of a single case where a ban would solve the problem. He can freeze her for a while. But then, following all, parents will have to suffer with the addiction of children at home.

It is better to offer children an alternative. For example, interactive classes. In a playful way, children are more interested and easier to perceive new material.

And so, they will take away their gadgets, so what? At breaks and following school, they will take them apart once more and everything will be back to normal. What’s the point then?

Parents are in solidarity with the teacher, they even discussed the innovation in the general chat. They do not understand the depth of the problem, preferring to solve it superficially.

For me personally, this approach is ridiculous and absurd. Elena Kirillovna also asked to sign a statement, supposedly the parents are not once morest this method of education in the classroom. I didn’t sign anything and I don’t even intend to.

In the parent chat, I invited all participants to think regarding this innovation before signing the papers. We live in the age of electronic technology, and gadgets are an integral part of our existence.

So let’s better teach children how to use smartphones wisely. It can also be a useful tool in the search for new knowledge. I believe that this approach is more effective than just taking the item.

All the activists of the parent chat attacked me. They asked her not to be smart and not interfere with the teacher to conduct lessons as she sees fit.

If the majority agrees with such an innovation, then I was asked not to meddle with unsolicited advice and not speak out once morest it.

It’s useless to prove anything to these klushas, ​​but I also had a serious talk with the teacher. I did not consent to my son’s phone being taken away. And she also warned Kolya not to give the gadget to anyone.

In the section “Opinion of readers” materials from readers are published.



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