Biden admits: Trump ‘could be future president’ | USA | President | Campaign | Trump | Biden | MAGA | Budget | Republican | Conservatives |

[Voice of Hope, March 10, 2023](comprehensive report by our reporter Yue Liu) While promoting his latest $6.8 trillion budget in Philadelphia, U.S. President Joe Biden told his audience that former U.S. President Donald Trump Trump (Donald Trump) also “might be a future president”.

“I had a big fight with the former president (Trump), maybe (he) is the future president.” “Bless me, Heavenly Father. Anyway-just kidding.” March 9 (Thursday) evening At some point, Biden made the comments while reminiscing regarding his time on the campaign trail. There were cries of surprise from the crowd in the union hall where the event was held.

Many heavyweights in the US Republican Party have called on the party to “move on” from Trump. Their excuses are Trump’s ongoing legal scrutiny, lackluster performance in the midterms and his intense focus on allegations of 2020 election fraud. Despite this, Trump’s huge appeal and star power among the American people seem to be returning.

Four opinion polls (polls) last week showed that Trump was in the same position as Florida Gov. DeSantis (Ron DeSantis) are in the lead in the hypothetical matchup.

And even though the election is more than a year and a half away, early polls suggest that if a repeat of the showdown between Trump and Biden would still be close — Washington Post/> February One poll showed Trump and Biden leading among registered voters 48 percent to 45 percent, with Trump ahead.

So far, Biden has not officially announced his 2024 campaign, but continues to say he will. His only claimed major rival of the famous brand is self-help author Marian. Williamson (Marianne Williamson).

In his speech, Biden repeatedly attacked the “MAGA Republicans” and seemed to be preparing for a possible competition with Trump. MAGA – Make America Great Again is an idea advocated by Trump and recognized by many conservatives.

“MAGA Republicans are calling for the defunding of the police department and immediate defunding of the FBI. That’s good, I like it,” Biden claimed.

Defunding law enforcement, however, is something that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has swept across the country with strong support from the left. Trump and conservatives have always believed that “law and order” is an indispensable cornerstone of American prosperity. While some right-wing Republicans have criticized the FBI for targeting conservatives, they have criticized Biden’s son Hunter. Hunter Biden’s misbehavior turned a blind eye.

Biden’s campaign in Philadelphia was largely regarding touting his $6.8 trillion budget — which includes a staggering $5.5 trillion in new taxes largely on the rich — in a radical attempt to achieve wealth “equity” that made history Record.

“My budget reflects what we can do to ease the burden on hardworking Americans,” Biden claimed.

“Daily Mail” pointed out that his budget is certain to die when it reaches the US Congress, but it can be used to determine the priorities of the Democratic Party and serve as a starting point for negotiations with Republicans.

Before the June deadline, Biden and Republican Speaker Kevin C. McCarthy (Kevin McCarthy) must hammer out a budget deal and an agreement to raise the US national borrowing limit above $31.4 trillion.

The two met once and agreed to speak once more to work out the details. On Wednesday, March 8, McCarthy slammed Biden for not inviting him to the White House once more. On Thursday, Biden said he would invite the speaker to discuss “line by line” to see where they can agree once the Republican budget is in.

Editor in charge: Lin Li

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