Alert of several shark attacks in Brazil

The Brazilian authorities are on alert due to several shark attacks in recent days. The first occurred last Sunday and the second less than 24 hours later. Specifically, three cases occurred on the beaches of Recife.

The bites of these animals left a total of three mutilated people and caused them to declare those spaces in a “critical situation and at risk of new attacks”.

The Brazilian media reported that the first tragic event occurred when a 14-year-old teenager bathed on a beach in Piedade. Suddenly, he was brutally bitten by a shark, leaving a deep wound on his leg. The young man had to be airlifted to a hospital for surgery.

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The next attack took place on Monday, in less than 24 hours. A 15-year-old girl was the victim of one of these sharks, on the same beach. Fortunately, she was able to be saved and urgently taken to a Restoration Hospital.

Little is known regarding the third event, but it would have taken place in the last few hours, according to the Popular media.

In the sensitive videos broadcast on social networks, two of the mutilated victims are seen. One of her lost her forearm, while the other received a large bite on her thigh.

Despite these attacks, authorities indicated that the area of ​​the dangerous events has signs prohibiting entry to the sea. However, the bathers ignore it and enter the waters. This was explained by Werben Monteiro, Chief of Preventive Actions of the Fire Department, Werben Monteiro.

Meanwhile, the Regional Shark Incident Monitoring Committee noted that specialists are analyzing the first two cases. They also study the “short interval” in which the attacks have occurred.

With information from: EvTv



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