Chronic kidney disease: 4 out of 5 French people do not know the risk factors, and you?

On the occasion of World Kidney Day, the Ipsos Institute reveals the lack of knowledge of the French regarding kidney diseases, and in particular the chronic kidney disease, or MRC. The survey, conducted via the Internet from January 31 to February 9, 2023 among 4,000 French adults (Source 1), thus indicates that only 13% of respondents have heard of this disease. Three quarters of them declare that they do not have a good knowledge of the risk factors and the consequences of this disease.

Referring to the more or less significant decrease in the functions of the kidneys, chronic kidney disease evolves in the shadows and can lead to end-stage renal failure. Hypertension and diabetes are the two main causes, and are responsible for nearly one in two cases, according to Health Insurance. Among other risk factorsinclude cardiovascular disease, age, family history of chronic kidney disease, episodes of acute kidney failure (due to infection, for example), drugs toxic to the kidney, or exposure to toxic products (such as iodinated contrast agents, targeted radiotherapy on the kidneys as well as occupational exposure to lead or mercury).

Free screenings planned until mid-April

For the 18th consecutive year, the association France Rein organizes events throughout France to inform and raise awareness of chronic kidney disease, and to encourage screening. All these free events are listed in a carte interactive.

The association recalls that in France, one person in 10 is affected by kidney disease. “ A scourge that continues to grow since more than 10,000 people each year learn that they suffer from chronic end-stage renal failure requiring replacement therapy (dialysis or transplant) “, adds France Rein. This specifies that currently in France, 41,000 people have a kidney transplant and 14,000 patients are waiting for a kidney transplant, while 51,000 patients are on dialysis. ” An alarming finding that might be improved by early detection “, she concludes.

Urinalysis by dipstick and blood test are the two examinations allowing the detection of chronic kidney disease.



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